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Showing posts with the label Snacks for kids

Chocolate Chip Brownie Bites

When I crave sweets, I look for ways to minimize my sugar consumption while also getting that sweet fix. I recently discovered monk fruit sugar so my coffee and sweets have never been the same. It's a great substitute for regular sugar but it has no impact on your blood sugar and has no carbs. I didn't use monk fruit sugar for this recipe, though, so go out and get it because my next recipe will have it.

Chewy Energy Bars (no added sugar, vegan, gluten-free)

Energy bars with lot of fiber, minimal sugar and high protein are a great snack. I grab and just go and I feel full for the time that I'm out and about and I need to get things done. I love a few brands of energy bars but I also love making my own-it's easy to choose what ingredients go in them and you can make a bunch and freeze These particular bars are without sugar by default since I ran out of maple syrup. They are still so delish!

Peanut Butter Flax Protein Bites

Here is a quick snack for you and something I've probably made and posted a hundred times before this. These bites are made with protein powder that is sweetened with stevia so these are pretty much sugar-free, full of fiber and healthy fat. But before I go ahead with the recipe, I wanted to say that my Munch and Meditate Supperclub tickets are on sale for April 28th. Come and meet me as I lead you in a guided meditation that focuses on grounding and renewal (springtime!) and then serve you a complimentary welcome drink of prosecco and a 3 course meal. Want in? Buy tickets at ! Now for this wonderful snack recipe....

Dark Chocolate Protein Bites

I think it's pretty obvious that I love chocolate bites. They are wonderful when you want to make something sweet and you don't have alot of time and you want something that will render leftovers. I was home over the weekend and I brought back some food including raisins. I can't say I tend to snack on raisins so I used them for this recipe. Also, I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT PROTEIN POWDER! I came home to a brand new container and I'm pretty psyched.

Chocolate Chip Protein Bites

I made these over the last two days and I've been eating, what I think, is way too much of them. However, I got on the scale this morning and I lost another half a pound. But yeah, you can't eat these with abandon, you need to reign yourself in. These snacks are awesome but they do contain a decent amount of peanut butter and chocolate chips. They are still healthy though and mucho tasty AND very easy to make so you must make these at least once.

Vanilla Protein Superfood Bites

I haven't made snack bites or snack bars in a while because I devour them with no thought whatsoever. This time I made these bites and ate them over the course of three days, which is good for me. They are high in protein, though, because I didn't use dates, I had to use more of the liquid sweetener than I wanted to but oh well. Speaking of dates, not one has passed through my lips since February. They are just too many calories to deal with and very binge-worthy for me.

Vanilla Cranberry Chocolate Chip Bars

I'm running low on dried fruit which is essential for making raw crusts so tonight I said good bye to my bag of dried cranberries with this amazing recipe. These bars are delish, sweet and full of vanilla flavor with the added fiber of oats. There are very few ingredients and in no time you will have a very cool snack.

Chocolate Chip Oat Energy Bites

I made these bites after I saw a fellow blogger's recipe on Instagram (Carrie from ). I love following her posts and her blog is super informative, check it out! Anyway, I bought dates and dried cranberries and just went to town with some raw desserts. I made these bites with dates and also with half dates and half dried cranberries-my personal favorite are the bites with the dried cranberries and no peanut butter (yes sometimes I DO get sick of pb!)

Mixed Seed Protein Bars

I set up a delivery of Graze snacks, has anyone heard of ? You set up a payment and a schedule and they deliver delicious snacks right to your door. You can specify what kind of snacks you want based on your dietary needs It's cool. Anyway, I ate one of their protein flapjacks and it was so delish I made a similar one. I love protein bars-their chewiness, the energy they give, the sweetness and filling feeling you get after enjoying one. They are so easy to make at home that it doesn't make sense to buy them.

Apples with Healthy Caramel Dip

I make these delicious dessert bars with a caramel layer and I thought what if I use this recipe as a dip for apples. I'm totally 3 months late with this recipe since caramel apple season was pretty much October but it's never too late to eat this caramel sauce. OMG, it's so yum and absolutely free of preservatives, dairy and chemical crap.

Reflecting on 2016

When you reflect back on this year, what are the highlights for you? I think about how I completed my first marathon and how I got to run my first marathon in my most favorite city where I happen to live (NYC!!) I think about how much I love my yoga studio   and how many classes we have and all the new teachers that have booked the space. I think about how my niece is growing up so fast and how I became her godmother at the beginning of this month. So many things to be grateful for and so many new goals to work on for 2017.

Crunchy Peanut Butter Granola

Every time I crave cereal, I think of  how much healthier it would be if I made my own. Thus, how this granola recipe came to fruition. I think you are aware of my obsession with brown rice syrup, a super low glycemic alternative to sugar so that has definitely made an appearance in this recipe. The best thing about granola is you can dress it up or make it as plain as you wish. It's great to eat as cereal with milk or just bring it with you as a snack to munch on in the middle of your day. It doesn't have to be a sugary mess; it can be quite nutritious, full of fiber and healthy fats.

Roasted Miso Chickpeas

This recipe is so simple; it focuses on the versatility and awesomeness of chickpeas. I love chickpeas. They are perfect for everything, baking, cooking, snacking, making burgers, making cookie dough, salad toppings, the possibilities are just endless. I buy my beans in the bulk aisle at Whole Foods. They are organic and you get more for your money. I store them in airtight containers in my cupboard and make a ton of beans on Sundays.

Trail Mix Bites

I made these trail mix bites for a NYC run today and I received so many compliments about them that I had to add to this post! I made a few versions of these bites and brought them to the Runstreet group run event this morning; we ran 4 miles on the lower east side and took pictures of different wall art around the city. It was such a great workout and afterwards some of us stayed for a strength training workout that was just perfect. I wanted to post the few different ways you can make these bites based on what ingredients you have in your kitchen.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Overnight Oats

I posted this recipe on my facebook page so people could share the recipe easily but I need to blog it! These oats taste like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in a mason jar. Kids will love it, it's great for breakfast before and it's something you can make the night before (the beauty of overnight oats). These oats are packed with fiber, healthy fat and fruit sweetener.

Blueberry Vanilla Overnight Oats

I took the blueberry chia jam recipe a step further with these blueberry vanilla overnight oats! These are also great for back to school as you can make these the night before so your morning goes smoothly. I made these a bit differently by blending them but you can leave out that step if need be.

Chia Seed and Fruit Pudding

I make chia seed pudding alot but this time I made it without any added coconut sugar and some fruit and homemade cashew butter and it was awesome. I'm not usually good at layering everything to look pretty but I must say this is a good picture! Grab some fresh berries and some raw cashews for this recipe and you got yourself a yummy, filling breakfast. Kids will love this breakfast because it's in a cool mason jar and it's sweet and fun.

Pears with Vanilla Cinnamon Topping

When you are eating raw, the majority of your calories comes from fruit. I bought a ton of fruit, leaning heavily on berries and I also bought my least favorite fruits: apples, pears and oranges. Oranges are a pain in the ass because you have to peel them but apples and pears are just boring. I mean, they are such a snooze. I hate just taking an apple or pear and eating it; it doesn't fill me up and there is nothing exciting about eating either. Maybe I've been eating apples and peanut butter for too many years but...snoooze! So, I decided to make my pears into a dessert and I'm LOVING them now!

Raw Desserts

It is my 5th day eating fully raw and I'm loving it. I'm not going to say I haven't thought about cooked food but I've been able to stay on track. It's so hot and humid so I'm sure that has something to do with wanting cold fresh fruits and veggies.

Strawberry Coconut Gelato

So, it has taken me all week to get this right and I'm 99% loving this recipe because I'm a perfectionist. I say 99% because I wasn't able to achieve the exact consistency as my chocolate peanut butter gelato, perhaps because I need to let the gelato freeze more. Anyway, my new Cuisinart blender was doing overtime for this recipe and I do love how the gelato tastes. It's made with super whole ingredients and it's great to make for your family without having to spend alot of money on non dairy ice cream. Also, I'm not loving my photos but the natural light was weak due to the stormy weather. Anyway, this recipe is here and that's all that matters so get to making some fresh, organic, natural ice cream!!