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Reflecting on 2016

When you reflect back on this year, what are the highlights for you? I think about how I completed my first marathon and how I got to run my first marathon in my most favorite city where I happen to live (NYC!!) I think about how much I love my yoga studio and how many classes we have and all the new teachers that have booked the space. I think about how my niece is growing up so fast and how I became her godmother at the beginning of this month. So many things to be grateful for and so many new goals to work on for 2017.

I realize I have not posted in a week but I was home visiting my family since the 23rd so my mind was far away from work and blogging and being productive! I know this year I want to concentrate more on this blog by starting a newsletter and perhaps changing the template for my blog. Right now, people who subscribe to my blog get all of my blog posts delivered to them via email but I want to write out my own newsletter and start talking to people more often via email. Sending more personal emails is definitely important when building your blog and maintaining and adding new interest in your blog. My other goal for the blog is to figure out if I want to stay with Blogger or expand to a template that will give me more site features. My mailing list is first on my to do list.

I have to run through some of my favorite things as we leave 2016. First off, I will be writing a post about my top 10 favorite vegan snacks so watch out for that. Like this delish nut butter/banana toast I made today that is #1 on my list:

Pizza at one of my favorite restaurants when I go home. All of the pizza on the menu have cheese on them but I order this pizza without cheese. It's olive oil, arugula, roasted garlic and tomatoes. It's absolutely delish and I got to share it on a night out with my family over Christmas break. You can absolutely make any pizza vegan by eliminating the cheese.

Running.....I finished my first full marathon in November in NYC and I still look back and can't believe I did it. I was bouncing back and forth between two injuries and I was only training 3 days a week and I still did it. Just so you can absolutely train for a marathon running just three days a week. All the training plans out there will give you a schedule for 5-6 days and, personally, I cannot sustain that much running without injuring myself. Quality over quantity and rest! More on running in another post.

I don't juice as much as I used to and I rarely buy them because of the expense but these were on sale one day and I went for it. Oh my gosh, these juices are so delicious and healthy. The ingredients are all fruits and veggies (and some superfoods) and no added sugar. They come in about 5 flavors and every single one is refreshing and tasty. You must try them!

Batter and Crumbs online bakery in PA is AMAZING! My mom ordered me four different flavors of cupcakes for the holidays and I ate almost all of them (not in one sitting, I swear ha). They are an all vegan bakery that delivers within 10 miles and every flavor is mouthwatering. How can you not love cupcakes??!!

Homemade Betty skin care. SO MANY products that claim to be natural still have crazy chemicals in them so finding this vegan, chemical-free line of personal care products puts my mind at ease. They are made locally (in NJ) and all ingredients are safe for sensitive skin and people of all ages. I gave my mom the below products and I gave my niece a baby body butter. I love my baking soda-free deodorant!

Juice generation! You walk in and smell all the raw veggies. I love love love this place. They added a coffee smoothie and their nut butter smoothies are absolutely delish. They also have dates as one of the sweeteners you can choose from which I LOVE! They are all over NYC (including in my neighborhood-yay!) and I only go as a treat so I picked this coffee smoothie up before I left for Christmas break-it did not disappoint!
