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Creamy Lentil Soup

Hi!!! I've been gone so long. I gave an update in my last post but for those that didn't read it (is anyone still reading?), I am a full time psychotherapist and started a new job a year ago. My life is so much busier. I work from home and I'm on zoom and calls all day and this blog just kind of fell away. I'm also working on a fiction novel that I hope to publish next year. Or begin looking into publishing or figuring out publishing lol. I spent the summer in the Poconos and it was glorious and now I'm back in New York City during the best time of year!

I made this soup after looking at a few recipes out there. I am so into creamy soups and I wanted to do something with all the lentils I have. Buy red lentils for this recipe. This soup is blended with other veggies and spices and it's so delicious. I just had it for breakfast with a pita pocket and I'm full!

It's really simple, you don't need a bunch of ingredients, you just need red lentils so that color is the same as this recipe. When you use green lentils, it looks more like pea soup, which is fine but I love this vibrant yellow color. And you need veggies.

This recipe was inspired by


2 cups of water

1 cups of red lentils

2 chopped scallions

2 cloves of fresh garlic

Olive oil spray or 2 tsp of olive oil (you don't even need 1 tbsp)

2 carrots, washed and chopped

2 tsp of cumin

2 tsp of turmeric

Sea salt to taste

You need 1 pot, a steamer and a pan.

Make your lentils first. Rinse and sort 1 cup of red lentils. One time I found a stone in my lentils, which can happen. Boil 2 cups of water and put the cup of lentils in and boil for 2-3 minutes. After boiling let the lentils simmer with the lid on the pot for 15 minutes.

Wash, chop and steam the carrots until tender.

Chop garlic and scallions. In a pan, add the olive oil, chopped garlic and scallions and turn the heat on low-medium. Lightly brown the garlic pieces.

Add everything (cooked lentils, tender carrots, garlic and scallions to your blender or food processor. I have a Nutribullet. Blend well. Pour the soup in the pan again and add the spices. Heat and stir.

Serve hot and with pita or sprinkle on pumpkin or hemp seeds.

You don't need a ton of salt or spices. The garlic and carrots give the soup a savory and sweet taste and it's perfect for any meal. You can also add a steamed sweet potato to your blender instead of carrots. Serve with tofu cubes or add a little bit of rice. You can make this such a hearty, filling meal for when you are super hungry but it's also easy on your stomach because it's blended and made with all whole ingredients.

I hope you enjoy!! Don't forget about my ebook. Fabulous Vegan Desserts is here to help you decorate your holiday table with delicious vegan and mostly gluten-free desserts.
