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Grilled Peaches with Maple Syrup and Vanilla Ice Cream

My sister grilled some peaches over the July 4th weekend which gave me the idea for this recipe. This is so so easy to make and is a great snack, dessert or breakfast. Peaches are in season and they are just so delicious. Make sure you buy softer peaches so they are juicy and sweet when you bite into them.

Keep the peaches out of the fridge so they soften and you can cut and pit them easily. I try to buy organic ones and I feel them before I purchase. Peaches are so amazing. They are the best snack and so refreshing when it's hot out (the weather in NYC is insane this week). I bought non-GMO peaches from Trader Joe's this week and I'm almost done them. I made this recipe to give them a little twist and change from just cutting them up and eating them for a snack. I whipped up this recipe for breakfast and it took under 10 minutes. You don't need to add ice cream, sprinkle pecans on them or just eat them with maple syrup drizzled over them.

Two peaches, cut in half and pitted
2 tbsp of maple syrup
Two scoops of vanilla ice cream
2 tbsp of coconut oil

Cut the peaches in two halves and remove the pits. Brush the inside of the peaches with coconut oil and pour the rest of the oil into a small pan. Place the peach halves facedown in the pan and turn the heat on medium. Grill both sides of the peaches for about 4 minutes each; the peach will become softer and warm. Transfer to a plate, pour the maple syrup over the peaches and top with ice cream. Serve immediately.