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Showing posts with the label summer

Grilled Peaches with Maple Syrup and Vanilla Ice Cream

My sister grilled some peaches over the July 4th weekend which gave me the idea for this recipe. This is so so easy to make and is a great snack, dessert or breakfast. Peaches are in season and they are just so delicious. Make sure you buy softer peaches so they are juicy and sweet when you bite into them.

Your Guide to Safe, Cruelty-Free Sunscreen

Today I went on Amazon to place an order for various things and one was sunscreen. I actually ended up buying Homemade Betty's sunscreen (see above) because I'm used to it and I know it works but I plan on buying additional sport sunscreen later in the season. When I buy personal care products, if I don't make it myself, I always do research. There is no point in eating healthy and then putting crap on your skin. I figured I'd type out my research to make it easier for you to navigate the many sunscreen brands!

Fluffy, Soft Roasted Potatoes (oil-free)

There is nothing more delish than the perfect potato cut into bite sized pieces, topped with amazing spices and baked. I have been craving pots lately and I made some today, I posted the pic on fb and it got some cool likes. I think that I'm obsessed with potatoes because July 4th is coming up, one of my fav holidays, and I plan on making a ton of potatoes at my mom's lake house for my family. I'm going to make them exactly like I'm going to describe here and I'm going to serve with tahini sauce.

Blueberry-Date Tart

How do you tell someone you love them....them promptly forget about them? You make a heart-shaped tart, freeze it and forget you have it in the freezer. I bought a heart shaped rubber mold because I want to start making different shaped desserts and this mold makes it so easy to freeze something and get it out of the mold later. I bought this when I was home visiting my family and now my goal is to find little molds to make chocolates in and some Christmas molds. I'm headed home for the 4th of July and I plan on going on a shopping spree.

Deep Dish Cheesecake with Fresh Berries

I am not always great at making desserts (I guess I shouldn't have started out a full moon/summer solstice post with something negative but I'm keepin it real). I mean, I see a dessert I want to make and I get super zealous and I mess up or put too much of something in and then get mad at myself. But when I concentrate and I enjoy food preparation for the awesome meditation it is, I rock it and I totally rocked this cake. It's creamy, full of healthy fat and very berry-centric. OMG, I just bought a pound of organic blueberries at Trader Joe's and I can't wait to eat them! By the way, strawberry season...right happy!

Self Care Summer

I just came back to the city after being home for a week visiting my family and friends in the burbs and I feel rejuvenated! I spent time with my little niece, drove around the burbs, hung out with my friends and enjoyed central air conditioning! The first thing I did when I got back to the city was hit the farmers market in Union Square to get a ton of veggies and fruit so I could start up my fully raw rest of the summer. I've always wanted to go fully raw for a few reasons: the health benefits, the weather and having a ton of in season fruit available to me, weight loss and to see how my body would feel eating completely raw, fresh foods. It's day 1 of being completely raw and I feel great.

Apricot Almond Butter Smoothie

Apricots are in season now and I just bought a whole bunch at Trader Joe's. I love munching on them as is but this morning I made a smoothie; sometimes recipes just pop into my head and this one did just that last night. It came to me when I came back from a night out with my BFF, it was a real NYC evening, we walked from the West Village all the way uptown, through the beautiful, lit up streets of this magnificent city. 

Key Lime Pie

This pie is epic!! And it took me all of 10 minutes to make. I did a little bit of preparation the night before but I pretty much woke up, put the ingredients in my Cuisinart and here it is....the best looking and tasting key lime pie I've ever had (if I may say so myself!). Made with whole, natural ingredients and no added sugar, this pie will impress anyone at your table. The only sweetener is from fruit (dates) and I made the crust nut-free to cut down on fat.

Strawberry Coconut Gelato

So, it has taken me all week to get this right and I'm 99% loving this recipe because I'm a perfectionist. I say 99% because I wasn't able to achieve the exact consistency as my chocolate peanut butter gelato, perhaps because I need to let the gelato freeze more. Anyway, my new Cuisinart blender was doing overtime for this recipe and I do love how the gelato tastes. It's made with super whole ingredients and it's great to make for your family without having to spend alot of money on non dairy ice cream. Also, I'm not loving my photos but the natural light was weak due to the stormy weather. Anyway, this recipe is here and that's all that matters so get to making some fresh, organic, natural ice cream!!

Mixed Green Tahini Potato Salad

Potato salad is the ultimate summer food. You can whip it up and take it to BBQ’s or just relax on your porch and enjoy the delicious flavors and aromas of this dish. I love tahini sauce and I wanted to make a dish using it as one of the main ingredients. I made this savory potato salad using organic potatoes and mixed greens as the base. It turned out completely scrumptious and I can’t wait to share it with you!

Avocado Cucumber Salad Sushi

Ahhh sushi, all you can eat, homemade, love it! It got pretty hot pretty quickly here in NYC and the last thing I have felt like doing it cooking. Smoothies and salads are what I'm all about lately and now I'm adding sushi to the summery food mix. For this recipe, instead of making sushi with a few veggies, I made a salad and used that as the filling for the sushi. It was so delish and I know you will love this! Sushi takes a little bit of time and planning, mainly because you need to cook the rice ahead of time but my advice is to make alot of rice at once. You will need to buy sushi rice, which is stickier than regular rice, and buy sushi nori sheets, these are the seaweed wraps used for sushi. I have a sushi mat but you don't need one; instead you can use wax paper. Making sushi at home is SO EASY and it saves you money. You can make the sushi as healthy as you want while being as adventurous in the kitchen as you dare.