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Showing posts with the label Oats

Vanilla Banana Muffins

I wasn't buying oats for a while because I needed a break from them (I know, crazy right?). Sometimes when I have a copious amount of oats, I bake and bake and make loads of oatmeal and then I'm all sugared out. I figured I would take a break from buying them for a while so I can chill with the sugar. I bought some oats the other day again and I decided to make these muffins last night. They are so delish and ended up perfect and I had one this morning for breakfast.

Chocolate Oat Krispy Bars

Sometimes the best recipes come about when you mess up another one. These were no exception. I'm writing this a week and a half after I made these so I forget what original recipe I was trying to make but these happened and they are pretty awesome. I made these with and without chocolate but I think the chocolate wins so I'm writing out the chocolate recipe. I was aways so-so with rice krispy treats when I wasn't vegan; I didn't seek them out but they were good when I ate them. So here is a vegan version without marshmallows or butter.

Chocolate Chia Energy Bites

I made these bites for an art run that was being led by my friend Marnie who is the founder of Runstreet. She brings people together and leads them in a relaxing run around NYC while the group looks at street art. She asked me to make these treats for her Christmas art run and I was so happy to do it. I whipped these treats up when I messed up making another recipe. These turned out so great. I'll be making these treats again when I team up with Marnie for a New Years Day art run and yoga class so if you are in NYC on Jan 1st, join us !

Chocolate Pound Cake

I saw a chocolate pound cake at the farmers market this morning and was about to get it. It was a small piece and it was $5 and I wondered if all the ingredients were organic and non-GMO so I put it down and decided to make my own. I had all the ingredients at home except for enough sugar so I had to use a little confectioner sugar and maple syrup instead of coconut sugar. I always use maple syrup or coconut sugar because they are more natural, not as processed sources of sweetener. But you gotta use what you have!

Dark Chocolate Avocado Brownies with Cream Cheese icing

My apartment smells like chocolate. It's Halloween as I write this and I just pulled these brownies out of the oven. As you can see, I'm really diggin fall. I'm absolutely loving how these brownies turned out (the second time) and I'm loving the fact that I'm writing this blog post about one of my favorite plant-based companies. This post is sponsored by Go Veggie but all opinions and run-on sentences are mine, all mine.

Chocolate Caramel Swirl Bars

Ok, so I will say I kind of just winged this recipe and didn't write down every single measurement so be creative and just add each ingredient as you see fit. You just need a food processor and a small pan to melt your coconut oil. Also, my next post was going to be about running but that will be my next post after this. I'm putting the running article on Linkedin first so search for Nicole D'Angelo if Linkedin is your thing. Onto this recipe!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Filled Oat Bars

I bought these new Clif bars that are almond butter filled. They are, of course, yummy and then I just decided to make my own. I usually eat Clif bars before a run so after I made my own, that is exactly what I had before I ran today. I didn't end up running as long as I wanted because the Citibikes were calling me but I did get a great workout in this morning.

Coffee Oats

Oatmeal is my go-to breakfast. I also love why not combine them? This is a strong, sweet version of oatmeal so you definitely need to love coffee. You can still add any toppings you wish, chocolate, peanut butter, they all work well with coffee flavor. Oatmeal is the BEST start to your day!

Twix bars

These look like twix bars but I haven't perfected the crunch so they are more like chewy twix bars. They aren't too sweet and they are made with amazing healthy like coconut and peanut butter. Totally amazing, perfect for dessert or breakfast, I know you will love these as much as I do!

Peanut Butter Cinnamon Cookies

These cookies are no bake and super easy and very very delish. I love making no bake desserts. You just throw a bunch of ingredients together and you have a healthy sweet. Also, I made them without dates so it doesn't require the use of a food processor. Just a big bowl, a wooden spoon and your hands!

Chocolate Caramel Cookie Cups

Today is the WORST picture day. Whenever I make a recipe in the evening, I wait until the next day to photograph it so that the sun is shining that beautiful natural light. Well, today is dark and rainy so thank goodness for a bright apartment light and Instagram filters! I made another epic no bake dessert and I'm pretty excited to share it

Chocolate Chip Protein Bites

I made these over the last two days and I've been eating, what I think, is way too much of them. However, I got on the scale this morning and I lost another half a pound. But yeah, you can't eat these with abandon, you need to reign yourself in. These snacks are awesome but they do contain a decent amount of peanut butter and chocolate chips. They are still healthy though and mucho tasty AND very easy to make so you must make these at least once.

Peanut Butter Vanilla Oat Milk Smoothie

I love trying new plant-based milks even though I usually buy West Soy unsweetened soy milk. I go for milks that have the least amount of ingredients and are organic. West Soy unsweetened plain soy milk is organic soybeans and water. Beautiful. If I don't buy milk, I make it myself, either almond or oat milk. Yesterday I bought oat milk and it is DELICIOUS!

Coconut Peanut Butter Chocolate Bars

I have not made a raw dessert in ages...actually a no bake dessert because technically the ingredients for this recipe are not all raw. Since I ditched the dates and started watching how many calories I eat, raw desserts aren't worth it and it's difficult to assess how many calories are in each serving. But last night I didn't care, I just whipped these up and honestly, didn't fully keep track of the measurements I used. So, as you follow this recipe, feel free to add or delete a little here and there based on your own kitchen expertise.

Vanilla Protein Superfood Bites

I haven't made snack bites or snack bars in a while because I devour them with no thought whatsoever. This time I made these bites and ate them over the course of three days, which is good for me. They are high in protein, though, because I didn't use dates, I had to use more of the liquid sweetener than I wanted to but oh well. Speaking of dates, not one has passed through my lips since February. They are just too many calories to deal with and very binge-worthy for me.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookie Ice Cream

My peanut butter craze reached an all new high the other day and it got so bad I swore off of it for 3 whole days. I can eat peanut butter several times a day everyday, if I let myself, which I did this past week. It's so damn good; I mostly prefer the Whole Foods 365 brand, there is just nothing quite like it. Maybe I should stop buying that brand and go with one I don't prefer so I won't go reaching for peanut butter every chance I get. Why it is so addicting?!

Sweet Peanut Butter Oat Protein Bars

When I don't have dates to make protein/energy bars with, I pretty much write off the recipe. Dates are super binding and pull together an energy bar, keeping it together and allowing it to be at room temperature without falling apart. Today I made energy bars without dates and they turned out fabulous. I'm so psyched that they are delicious and stay intact. Granted, I had them in the fridge for a while so they will need to be kept in the fridge but they are nonetheless AMAZING!

Vanilla Cranberry Chocolate Chip Bars

I'm running low on dried fruit which is essential for making raw crusts so tonight I said good bye to my bag of dried cranberries with this amazing recipe. These bars are delish, sweet and full of vanilla flavor with the added fiber of oats. There are very few ingredients and in no time you will have a very cool snack.

Plant-Based Breakfast Ideas

I am pretty obsessed with yogurt; I guess because I love that I love the unsweetened yogurt. The unsweetened yogurts are great because they still have that yummy, creamy yogurt taste but without the added sugar. I'm trying to branch out and not buy the same brands and tonight I bought a cashew milk yogurt that I'm psyched to try. Tomorrow morning is going to be a pretty epic yogurt bowl.

Crunchy Peanut Butter Granola

Every time I crave cereal, I think of  how much healthier it would be if I made my own. Thus, how this granola recipe came to fruition. I think you are aware of my obsession with brown rice syrup, a super low glycemic alternative to sugar so that has definitely made an appearance in this recipe. The best thing about granola is you can dress it up or make it as plain as you wish. It's great to eat as cereal with milk or just bring it with you as a snack to munch on in the middle of your day. It doesn't have to be a sugary mess; it can be quite nutritious, full of fiber and healthy fats.