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Plant-Based Breakfast Ideas

I am pretty obsessed with yogurt; I guess because I love that I love the unsweetened yogurt. The unsweetened yogurts are great because they still have that yummy, creamy yogurt taste but without the added sugar. I'm trying to branch out and not buy the same brands and tonight I bought a cashew milk yogurt that I'm psyched to try. Tomorrow morning is going to be a pretty epic yogurt bowl.

I'm also pretty obsessed with oats which is nothing new but I've lately taken to oat bran. A bowl of oat bran dressed up with healthy fats and fruit toppings is so delish; I don't even miss the added sugar. Since before Christmas, I gave up all added sugar. I bought brown rice syrup and ditched the coconut sugar and maple syrup for a while and I did actually feel great. Now that I'm planning out meals and counting calories, I've added back a little maple syrup in small portions. One cup of unsweetened yogurt is no sugar and is a pretty decent breakfast when I add toppings. So, experiment with different yogurts, check out what's on sale or ask around to see what your friends and family buy. I love the So Delicious brand of dairy-free yogurt and ice cream.

I felt compelled to write this post because I love breakfast. It's the best meal of the day, I love waking up to a yummy meal, I love sitting on my couch drinking coffee and eating breakfast before I go out and take on my day. I love making breakfast healthy and filling so I leave my apartment feeling energized.

If you've not given oats a try in the kitchen, now is the time to start because it's freezing and there is nothing better than a warm bowl of oats in the morning.

My basic oatmeal recipe is:

1/2 cup of rolled oats, oat bran or steel cut oats
3/4 cup of water (enough to cover the oats)
A few splashes of milk to make it creamy

Add the oats and liquids to a small pan and turn the heat on medium. It won't take long for the oats to absorb the water and milk so keep stirring. Turn off the heat before the oatmeal gets too thick and then pour into a bowl. Add one or all of the following (and these are just suggestions):

Peanut butter
Pumpkin puree
Coconut flakes
Chia Seeds
Chocolate chips
Maple syrup or coconut sugar

I love adding peanut butter and maybe a banana-that is my very basic recipe but lately I've added Bare Snacks coconut chips and a few berries. You can also add cinnamon and a protein powder or acai powder. You can flavor your oats with vanilla or by mixing in cacao powder.

I have yogurt for breakfast in much of the same way. I add toppings since I always buy unsweetened yogurt and I can dress it up without it tasting too sweet. There is nothing more gorgeous than a bowl of yogurt with toppings! There are plenty of non dairy yogurts out there that I could list here but just take a look in the yogurt aisle at your favorite grocery store and check out ingredients.

Try to buy unsweetened yogurt with as little ingredients as possible. Avoid brands with carrageen, a controversial ingredient that may cause some health problem. Make sure if the ingredients include corn starch that it is organic. When buying soy yogurt, make sure it's organic since soy is usually GMO. A good yogurt should have milk, maybe a little sugar or fruit juice, the yogurt cultures derived from plants and maybe a thickener agent. Send me an email if you have any questions
