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Soft Serve Pumpkin Nice Cream

Pumpkin + nana ice cream = awesomeness! Trader Joe's has canned pumpkin again!!  And I bought some more cinnamon and vanilla :)  Here is a quick Friday post with this fabulous recipe for your weekend.

4 bananas
3/4 of a can of pumpkin puree
2 tsp of vanilla extract
2 tbsp of maple syrup
2 tbsp of almond butter (optional)

Freeze your nanas for about 6 hours and then add the nanas, pumpkin, cinnamon, vanilla extract and maple syrup to your high speed blender and blend until you get nice and creamy soft serve ice cream. Top your ice cream with the almond butter if you wish, this is totally optional.

I made this for a nice raw lunch and it was super filling.  Run out and get pumpkin because you can use it in so many recipes: cupcakes (recipe in my ebook!), muffins, ice cream, lattes and on and on. Stay tuned for more pumpkin recipes on the blog.

Have a fabulous weekend!  My BFF is coming to visit this weekend and we are going to the San Gennaro festival and then all over the city.  I'm so excited!  Whatever you do this weekend, have a blast and go vegan!
