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Showing posts with the label Cookies

No Bake Lemon Coconut Cookies

Do you know why I love Instagram? Because I get recipe ideas...and this was no exception. I saw some coconut bars on the gram and this recipe popped into my head. I didn't use all the same ingredients; just coconut; then decided I was in a lemon mood. And so these cookies came to be. No oven is required; they took 7 minutes to whip up and they are so delicious. How are you all getting through this isolation? Are you cooking and baking? I started up my IGTV (@fabulousveganrecipes) channel and I've made alot of meditation videos for my yoga business IG (@yogacollectivenyc). I'm having fun and keeping busy but I won't deny that I have a few days of anxiety and feel very uncertain about the world. I'm keeping in touch with family and friends on video chat and encourage you to reach out especially if you are feeling sad or anxious. And also, make something yummy!

Chocolate Chip Cookie Sandwiches with Pink Buttercream Icing {A February Recipe}

I don't ever really celebrate Valentine's Day; February is usually busy with my Dad's bday, my sister's and my bday. But I do love some VDay desserts and I do enjoy sending my niece a Valentine's Day card. But is it a Hallmark holiday? Yes! I also love pink and dark chocolate so I'm going to give Valentine's desserts a 10. They are fun and delish and it's nice to give treats to your loved ones. I love making buttercream icing and I'm currently obsessed with Trader Joe's dark frozen cherries ever since I bought them to have as a snack (frozen cherries are fun to eat). I also love the super dark, amazingly beautiful cherry juice they have when they begin to melt and I thought coloring some icing would work definitely did. You can also color icing with strawberry juice, blueberry juice, even beet juice although I wold reach for a fruit first. You only need a little juice, mix and there you have a glorious pink icing. Add a ton of juic...

Chocolate Peanut Butter Keto Cookies

I saw this recipe on Facebook and I veganized it. These cookies are low carb but they are so fudgy and delicious, it's easy to not miss the flour. The sweetness is due to monk fruit sugar and chocolate chips but they are also high in healthy fat. Instead of an egg, I used Greek style plant-based yogurt and it worked so so well. If you are strict keto, get keto chocolate chips. If you just want to be lower sugar, use any dark, non dairy chocolate chips you wish.

No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Hemp Cookies

I don't really make a ton of desserts anymore since watching how much carbs I'm consuming but I have relaxed a little bit with it and just make sure I don't consume added sugar. I wanted to make a low carb cookie though for something to snack on as I'm usually running around all day. I try to bring a protein bar or some kind of snack to give me energy and keep my stomach from growling. These turned out delicious and they are no bake!

Easy Molasses Cookies (Vegan, Gluten-Free)

I'm obsessed with blackstrap molasses. So I had to make cookies with this amazing syrup and they turned out so delish.

5 Ingredients Sweet Potato Almond Butter Cookies (Vegan, GF)

5 ingredients, easy to make cookies sweetened with veggies and fruit. These cookies are vegan and gluten-free and perfect for breakfast or a snack. All ingredients are wholesome and probably in your pantry!

Peanut Butter Cinnamon Cookies

These cookies are no bake and super easy and very very delish. I love making no bake desserts. You just throw a bunch of ingredients together and you have a healthy sweet. Also, I made them without dates so it doesn't require the use of a food processor. Just a big bowl, a wooden spoon and your hands!

Coconut Peanut Butter Chocolate Bars

I have not made a raw dessert in ages...actually a no bake dessert because technically the ingredients for this recipe are not all raw. Since I ditched the dates and started watching how many calories I eat, raw desserts aren't worth it and it's difficult to assess how many calories are in each serving. But last night I didn't care, I just whipped these up and honestly, didn't fully keep track of the measurements I used. So, as you follow this recipe, feel free to add or delete a little here and there based on your own kitchen expertise.

Pumpkin Cinnamon Cookies

So I changed the font on some of my posts and it's such a mess. This morning I couldn't change the font size so I had to copy the blog post into notepad and then paste back into my blog. I guess I will stick to Times Roman font that is a decent size so people can actually read my posts! Happy Friday all! I just went food shopping, bought some coffee for tomorrow's coffee smoothie that I'm obsessed with and made some raw desserts that are now in the freezer. My cousin is patiently helping me use my new camera so I hope to have some new awesome photos of said desserts tomorrow when the natural light comes into my windows.

No Bake Chocolate Chip Cookies

Everytime I get a sweet tooth, I have to whip something up with any of the ingredients I have on hand. Usually I end up making a raw or no bake dessert, only requiring my food processor and some mixing by hand. If I have rolled oats and medjool dates in the house, I'm usually set. These cookies were the results of my sweet tooth while I was visiting my family in the burbs.

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

These cookies looked good and the cookie dough was delish but when baked, the cookies were tough and rubbery. I used gluten-free flour from Trader Joe's and I don't think that flour was best for cookies. I usually use oat flour or a mixture of oat and garbanzo or another gluten-free flour...and I'm not gluten-free, per se, I just usually end up being gluten-free by default; it just seems to go well with being vegan. So, for this recipe, you can use regular all purpose flour, I just want to be able to make these GF and have them turn out fabulously. Also, I didn't have baking powder so that may have thrown the cookies off as well.

Spotlight on Local Plant-Based Business: Organic Gemini

I had the pleasure recently of reviewing some amazing products from Organic Gemini, a company that makes delicious food and drinks from Tigernuts, root veggies that are sweet and fibrous. The company sent me different flavors of their horchata drinks, cold pressed drinks that are similar to milk but come in various flavors. I urge you to try all of them but my favorite was the coffee flavored drink! Head over to to learn more about tigernuts and to hear the story of how Miriam and George founded the company in 2013.

Apple Cinnamon Cookies

Happy Friday!  I was going to post another of my ebook recipes but then I whipped these up the other day.  Apple cinnamon cookies....they originally started out as an apple cinnamon loaf but ended up halfway into making them to be cookies.  They are so yum!!  Vegan and gluten-free.

Bowl of Oats Cookies

Today I was eating oatmeal and wondering how awesome it would be if I put my oatmeal ingredients into a cookies. So I brought the ingredients over to my mom's and after christmas eve dinner, I whipped these cookies up in under 10 minutes. They are vegan and gluten-free.  

Lemon Ricotta Cookies

Well, this is take two for this post since I wrote it earlier and I guess it didn't save. These cookies turned out awesome the first time I tried them and they were even better when I made a second batch. These cookies contain butter and sugar so I'll include a lower fat version.

Walnut Chia Seed Cookies (No Flour)

Last night I was thinking a lot about baking, which I haven't done in ages but I've been in the mood to make an awesome blueberry muffin. Since I didn't have the ingredients for these, I made these cookies out of chickpeas and other natural ingredients. I added walnuts, chia seeds and oats to punch them up with more fiber and omegas. Yum...these are good and make a great snack with your cup of tea. This recipe was floating around fb and pinterest for a while a few months ago.

Oatmeal Banana Cookies (No Flour or Oil)

Hello friends! I made these cookies by modifying a recipe I saw on Facebook. I deleted the chocolate chips and added oatmeal. I also added three bananas that were about to be too ripe. These cookies can be made in under 15 minutes.