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Showing posts with the label coconut

No Bake Lemon Coconut Cookies

Do you know why I love Instagram? Because I get recipe ideas...and this was no exception. I saw some coconut bars on the gram and this recipe popped into my head. I didn't use all the same ingredients; just coconut; then decided I was in a lemon mood. And so these cookies came to be. No oven is required; they took 7 minutes to whip up and they are so delicious. How are you all getting through this isolation? Are you cooking and baking? I started up my IGTV (@fabulousveganrecipes) channel and I've made alot of meditation videos for my yoga business IG (@yogacollectivenyc). I'm having fun and keeping busy but I won't deny that I have a few days of anxiety and feel very uncertain about the world. I'm keeping in touch with family and friends on video chat and encourage you to reach out especially if you are feeling sad or anxious. And also, make something yummy!

Two Vanilla Flavored Dessert Bars with 3 Ingredients (Vegan & Gluten-free)

I have some vanilla protein powder left and I wanted to use it in something other than smoothies. I always go right to desserts :) These recipes are fat and protein heavy with no added sugar yet they are delish and satisfying. I haven't been adding sugar to my food lately; I'm letting my recipes be yummy on their own, and with the addition of the protein powder, these desserts bars are sweet enough.

Chewy Energy Bars (no added sugar, vegan, gluten-free)

Energy bars with lot of fiber, minimal sugar and high protein are a great snack. I grab and just go and I feel full for the time that I'm out and about and I need to get things done. I love a few brands of energy bars but I also love making my own-it's easy to choose what ingredients go in them and you can make a bunch and freeze These particular bars are without sugar by default since I ran out of maple syrup. They are still so delish!

6 Ingredient Chocolate Bars

It's been a while! I made alot of chocolate and I ran a marathon on Sunday-my second NYC marathon. It was difficult yet epic but totally worth it. I drew strength from my family who was waiting for me close to the finish line but most of all I drew strength from myself. I just did not want to give up. More on that in another blog post!

Superfood Fudge

Hey hey, sorry for the longish time in between posts. After the craziness of the holidays, I settled back in the city and then dove right into new year yoga business tasks and planned my first Supper Club. What is my supper club, you ask? Read on, I'm so excited!

Chocolate Pound Cake

I saw a chocolate pound cake at the farmers market this morning and was about to get it. It was a small piece and it was $5 and I wondered if all the ingredients were organic and non-GMO so I put it down and decided to make my own. I had all the ingredients at home except for enough sugar so I had to use a little confectioner sugar and maple syrup instead of coconut sugar. I always use maple syrup or coconut sugar because they are more natural, not as processed sources of sweetener. But you gotta use what you have!

Creamy Broccoli & Pumpkin Soup

I'm making something other than oats for breakfast...and it's taking me longer than I normally would at this time of the morning. That's how much I wanted to make this soup! It's shaping up to be lovely, smelling awesome and warm and garlicky-again, something else I would never make or add to food in the morning. I'm trying to change things up so that I'm putting more leafy greens into my body first thing in the morning instead of sugar (I always add coconut palm syrup or maple syrup to my oats). Maple syrup isn't bad for you but I think waking my body up with veggies had to be a little better!

Chocolate Caramel Swirl Bars

Ok, so I will say I kind of just winged this recipe and didn't write down every single measurement so be creative and just add each ingredient as you see fit. You just need a food processor and a small pan to melt your coconut oil. Also, my next post was going to be about running but that will be my next post after this. I'm putting the running article on Linkedin first so search for Nicole D'Angelo if Linkedin is your thing. Onto this recipe!

Chocolate Caramel Cookie Cups

Today is the WORST picture day. Whenever I make a recipe in the evening, I wait until the next day to photograph it so that the sun is shining that beautiful natural light. Well, today is dark and rainy so thank goodness for a bright apartment light and Instagram filters! I made another epic no bake dessert and I'm pretty excited to share it

Coconut Peanut Butter Chocolate Bars

I have not made a raw dessert in ages...actually a no bake dessert because technically the ingredients for this recipe are not all raw. Since I ditched the dates and started watching how many calories I eat, raw desserts aren't worth it and it's difficult to assess how many calories are in each serving. But last night I didn't care, I just whipped these up and honestly, didn't fully keep track of the measurements I used. So, as you follow this recipe, feel free to add or delete a little here and there based on your own kitchen expertise.

Coffee Facial Scrub

I've been in love with coconut oil for this entire winter season because it's the only thing that hydrates my skin.  I have super dry skin and by the end of the day, my face feels so tight and aggravated. Today I heated some coconut oil a little bit and put it on my face with amazing results; my face felt so smooth and silky. Along with a really dry face, my lips are chapped and peeling. Cue: this coffee scrub.

Coconut Milk Latte with Vanilla Cappuccino Swirl Ice Cream

Why do I love dressing up coffee? I mean it's perfectly fine brewed and served all my itself but for some reason I want to mix in some creamy milk and sweeten it up and add a frozen, smoothie aspect to it. This creation was inspired by an instagram post that I found by The Floured Kitchen. It's creamy and rich and sweet and you can make it as healthy as you wish. Instead of making it with homemade ice cream, I bought Almond Dream cappuccino swirl ice cream. But I also have a chocolate peanut butter homemade gelato recipe here that would go great with this recipe.

Four Ingredient Chocolate Fudge

I was away the last week visiting my family in Philly and I feel as if I have neglected this blog. I think about it all the time when I cook and eat but I just haven't had time to do a new post....until now. And I'm busting out the yummy fudge recipe. The fourth ingredient in this fudge is surprising and not one you would think would go in fudge. But it's there so keep reading! By the way, I love that you read my blog and I feel so grateful for all of you :)

Deep Dish Cheesecake with Fresh Berries

I am not always great at making desserts (I guess I shouldn't have started out a full moon/summer solstice post with something negative but I'm keepin it real). I mean, I see a dessert I want to make and I get super zealous and I mess up or put too much of something in and then get mad at myself. But when I concentrate and I enjoy food preparation for the awesome meditation it is, I rock it and I totally rocked this cake. It's creamy, full of healthy fat and very berry-centric. OMG, I just bought a pound of organic blueberries at Trader Joe's and I can't wait to eat them! By the way, strawberry season...right happy!

Pasta with Garlic Cream Sauce

This recipe is EPIC because it is sinful, or what some of us might consider a sinful meal because it's creamy and fatty and full of carbs. But the best part about it is no babies were stolen from their mothers so the milk could be used for the butter and milk in this recipe. It's cruelty-free and, yep, it's high fat but the fat source is coconut and healthy oils so I didn't worry about it as I was noshing. Did I mention my cholesterol numbers are in the super healthy range ever since I went vegan?

Broccoli and Chickpea Curry

I bought a ton of chickpeas in the bulk aisle of Whole Foods yesterday, so much so that I balked at the price when I weighed them. But bulk is the best way to go in Whole Foods and their food is organic and $8 worth of chickpeas is a ton of chickpeas. I cooked a ton of them tonight so that I have alot left over to do whatever I feel like, sometimes I cover them in spices and bake them for a crunchy salad topping, sometimes I make hummus, sometimes I make cookie dough or pudding , the possibilities are endless with chickpeas. That's why I love them, they are versatile and packed with nutrients like protein and fiber. Chickpeas > chicken.

Creamy Coconut Hot Chocolate

This recipe has sat on deck for a week now because I needed to get the ingredients so I could take proper photos. Well, my fridge is full of dates so life is good. Creamy hot chocolate satisfies my craving for a latte. I think it's the hot, sweet beverage that is just so similar to a latte that does it. And though I don't get a coffee high from hot chocolate, it just warms me like a nice soy latte does. I rarely buy coffee out anymore because lately I've enjoyed one of these in the morning. In fact, I'm already thinking about tomorrow's cup of hot choco.