I'm making something other than oats for breakfast...and it's taking me longer than I normally would at this time of the morning. That's how much I wanted to make this soup! It's shaping up to be lovely, smelling awesome and warm and garlicky-again, something else I would never make or add to food in the morning. I'm trying to change things up so that I'm putting more leafy greens into my body first thing in the morning instead of sugar (I always add coconut palm syrup or maple syrup to my oats). Maple syrup isn't bad for you but I think waking my body up with veggies had to be a little better!
It's still unseasonably warm today so maybe it's not the best day for soup but I just can't wait to try this. I'm going to experiment more with soups as the weather gets cooler. If you are used to a big steaming bowl of oats in the morning, switching to soup won't be that much different; it will still warm you up but you will get a healthy dose of veggies first thing instead of fruit. Again, fruit IS NOT bad, I'm just changing things up. Which gives me another recipe idea....baked apple oats? Ok, I'll work on it!

I added pumpkin at the last minute to this recipe and I don't regret it. I had a little organic pumpkin puree leftover in the fridge and I wanted to thicken up the soup, add some color and nutrients so it worked out. It's easy to add pumpkin to any recipe. How about that orange color? I love this time of year at the farmer's market because it's still green and red with kale and tomatoes but the vibrant color of the pumpkins and squash are added in there. Also, apples and some leftover raspberries have made an appearance at my local markets. Which reminds me....I miss those organic cherry tomatoes that were overflowing at one of the tables a few weeks ago. Cherry tomatoes are like candy!
This recipe is super easy with very few ingredients; it's also very spice heavy. I googled what recipes go well with turmeric and added them. I actually just had a bowl of this soup and it's pretty amazing. I didn't add a ton of salt because the other spices carry the flavor. You will love this soup!
1 cup of light coconut milk
1/4 cup of filtered water
2 cups of steamed organic broccoli
1/4 cup of organic pumpkin puree
1 clove of chopped garlic
2 tsp of turmeric
2 tsp of cumin
2 tsp of sea salt
2 tsp of lemon pepper
2 tsp of ground ginger
2 tsp of cinnamon
Hemp seeds
Nooch (nutritional yeast)
Pour the milk and water in a medium sized pan while your broccoli steams. Turn the heat on medium and add the chopped garlic and spices to the milk and water base. Once the broccoli is a little tender, add it to the milk. Scoop in the pumpkin puree and stir everything well. Keep the heat on low and put a lid on the pot. Let the spices heat and mix well and the garlic will soften. Stir the soup again making sure all the pumpkin is evenly dissolved. Pour into a bowl and serve. Sprinkle with hemp seeds and nooch. This makes about 3-4 bowls; you will have leftovers. Store in an airtight glass dish and eat within 3 days.