I swear my skin looks better when I push the greens. Any inflammation or redness always seems to go away when I load up on the kale or spinach. It could just be my imagination or the body healing itself but I am convinced the vitamins and antioxidants in greens are responsible for my skin improvement. And even if that isn't true, you can't ever go wrong eating kale. Besides, it's delicious and an incredible tasty addition to your meal. I love eating greens with a little sea salt and lemon juice sprinkled on them-especially kale. I love adding spinach to my buddha bowls. Greens are healthy and yummy and you can dress them up or just eat plain. It's just that, you can't open up your cupboard and grab some spinach; it has to be steamed and prepared in some way. Which is why it's easier to reach for dates and peanut butter or a protein bar. I definitely load up on the greens but I also don't consistently eat enough. Which got me thinking just ho...