This creamy Alfredo sauce is not made with cheese or cashews; it's made entirely with veggies. Allow me to explain my inspiration for this recipe. Lately, I've enjoyed Misfits Market deliveries so my fridge is stocked with lots of fruit and veggies. You get lots of in season organic veggies that aren't "pretty". They have lumps and bumps or they are a little misshapen and are not sold. So Misfits Market sells them for 40% off the regular price and I get a lovely box of delicious veggies. *Keep reading for a discount code* I've already noticed that my diet is more whole foods, plant-based and it's only been two weeks. Why? I buy all my food from Misfits Market and I don't go to other stores and buy alot of other items. So the majority of what I eat are the veggies. After your first box, you can add other pantry items to your box (oats, snacks, berries, chocolate and so many other cool goodies). I really just don't need to buy more food anywhere else...