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Creamy Kale and Sweet Potato Soup

I thought all day about dinner and settled on sweet potato soup. I made a pumpkin version and it's in my ebook

So without further delay, here is the recipe:
1 large sweet potato
A giant handful of kale
2 1/2 cups of non dairy milk (I love coconut)
Sea salt
Powdered garlic

Soak, wash and cut the sweet potato in small cubes. Steam the sweet potato and kale until you can put a fork through the sweet potato and until the kale is bright green.

Heat the milk in a medium pan. When the sweet potato and kale are done, add them to the pan of milk. Add any spices you want; I used tumeric, cumin, garlic and sea salt. I also threw in a dash of cinnamon.
The soup is done when it starts bubbling. Serve and enjoy :)
