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Showing posts with the label Pancakes

Sweet Potato Pancakes (vegan, dairy-free, egg-free)

If you already have sweet potatoes steamed in your fridge, this recipe is a breeze. You don't even need your food processor or anything special, just a bowl, a fork and a pan. The sweet potato in the recipe adds complex carbs, sweetness and fiber to a pretty simple pancake recipe. I'll get right to it below.

Garbanzo Bean Pancakes with Raw Cacao Nibs

Last night I wanted pancakes and I bought garbanzo bean flour the other day so it was on this morning in the kitchen! They were super fluffy and filling and I'm pretty stuffed. In my defense, though, I did drink an entire 24 oz mason jar of lemon water before and during said pancake feast. Lately, I'm all about the lemon water; it is so amazingly refreshing!

Strawberry Shortcake Pancakes

I'm really excited about this recipe, adapted from Debbie Adler's new cookbook, Sweet, Savory & Free . I have not had any inspiration to cook or blog or photograph lately. I'm so busy with my yoga studio and trying to write a novel and have a social life and meet new people that I have not contributed to this blog in a regular way in a while. I feel bad but I have so many recipes on this blog that it's difficult to get bored. But I will get back to cooking, it just may take a little bit.

Four Ingredient Pancakes

I have tried pancakes in 100 different ways, it seems, so I'm just going to add to the list today. I usually make pancakes with a mushed banana but I had tofu last week and I replaced the banana with tofu....and it was so delish. And high in protein. Tofu is cool. You can make tofu scramble, bake with it or even make tofu cheese.

Fluffy Pumpkin Pancakes

I've had three recipes in my head since coming back to the city after Thanksgiving but I'm low on leafy greens (I know!!) and my new hot chocolate recipe did not photograph well this morning. I have a cool summer roll recipe that I'll post when I stock up on kale. I'm on a sugar detox! My only sugar source has come from dates, other fruit and veggies. I tucked the coconut sugar away and the chocolate chips. I'm also measuring out the fat. I already feel better!

Protein Packed Pancakes

  I'm currently home visiting my family amidst a heat wave which normally calls for raw fruits and veggies but this morning I wanted pancakes. Last time I was home I made a date syrup and froze it so out it came along with the coconut cream I just bought. Isn't Trader Joe's awesome? And it's even better in the burbs because you can put your bags in a car and not have to lug them on the subway! These pancakes are packed with healthy plant-based protein and healthy, gluten-free oat flour. I know you will love these; my mom, who is not vegan, loved them!

Light, Fluffy, Vegan, Gluten-free Pancakes

I woke up this morning wanting pancakes but I wanted to lay off the sugar even though I only use yummy coconut sugar. The only sweetness in these pancakes is the mashed banana so these are clean eats! You can add toppings to make them pop; add some healthy fat like peanut or almond butter and lots of fruit. I love fruit toppings and maple syrup! What a great breakfast for your Memorial Day weekend! This recipe made 6 good sized pancakes so double it if you have a full crew at your house. And this is a great way to show your family that plant based breakfasts still include light, fluffy pancakes! 

Spotlight on Local Plant-Based Business: Organic Gemini

I had the pleasure recently of reviewing some amazing products from Organic Gemini, a company that makes delicious food and drinks from Tigernuts, root veggies that are sweet and fibrous. The company sent me different flavors of their horchata drinks, cold pressed drinks that are similar to milk but come in various flavors. I urge you to try all of them but my favorite was the coffee flavored drink! Head over to to learn more about tigernuts and to hear the story of how Miriam and George founded the company in 2013.

Chocolate Chip Pancakes

My whole life in the kitchen this week is Italian food; I'm working on my cookbook full time. But I did have time to make these awesome chocolate chip pancakes so what better day than Friday to write out this yummy recipe. I use Enjoy Life vegan chocolate chips, which are insanely yummy. These pancakes can be made in your food processor and poured right into your skillet; they take minimal time to prepare so this is a great breakfast for rushed mornings.

Pumpkin Pancakes

I left you with a yummy chocolate smoothie in my last post and I feel as though that is not Halloween enough. This morning I made pumpkin pancakes , which were spooktacular so I'm doing another post on this cold and wonderful Halloween evening. What an awesome breakfast for tomorrow too :) Planning ahead is awesome!


Well, I'm done my yoga teacher and I'm a teacher!!! Whoo hoo! I can't believe how much work I've done over the past 6 weeks, how many wonderful people I've met and how much I've learned about yoga :) It's been an awesome ride and I'm proud to say that I am an alumna of Three Sisters Yoga in New York City :) I have one more book report to hand in and then all of my hours are in; I'll just be waiting for my certificate!


I can never settle on one pancake recipe!!! I try one I love and then I experiment some more and find another one.

Apple cinnamon pancakes

Happy Saturday morning!! I tried a new pancake recipe and it was delicious :) I can't wait to pass this on....first off, go run out and get yourself some brown rice flour. Arrowhead mills makes it as does Bob's Red Mill. Don't be afraid to experiment with new flour. There are so many out there and they are so much more nutritious than refined white flour. Also, brown rice flour is gluten free. And buy that coconut oil and that agave nectar. Stay away from white sugar. I decided to make apple cinnamon pancakes because I made applesauce to put in the mix. So I wanted to bring the apple taste throughout.