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Showing posts with the label Muffins

Vanilla Banana Muffins

I wasn't buying oats for a while because I needed a break from them (I know, crazy right?). Sometimes when I have a copious amount of oats, I bake and bake and make loads of oatmeal and then I'm all sugared out. I figured I would take a break from buying them for a while so I can chill with the sugar. I bought some oats the other day again and I decided to make these muffins last night. They are so delish and ended up perfect and I had one this morning for breakfast.

Chocolate Chip Walnut Muffins

I wanted to make muffins to change up my breakfast routine and to have a quick, healthy pre-run meal to grab and go. I don't eat much before a run so one of these muffins with a little bit of peanut butter fueled my long run yesterday. I haven't yet figured out what makes my long runs so good and what makes a run so so bad! My nutrition doesn't always stay the same, I eat different foods before a run and different calorie amounts but I'm realizing maybe less is more for a long run. A small healthy breakfast with protein, fat and carbs seems to work. And of course a ton of water, especially on these hot, humid days.

Vegan, Gluten-free Blueberry Muffins

Happy Memorial Day weekend! This is going to be a quick post since I'm still away but I wanted to post the recipe for these muffins, which were inspired by the pancake recipe in my last post. I whipped these up when I was also making pizza so they were done in 10 minutes. Love love love these!

Almond Meal Muffins

Happy Monday all!  I'm throwing it back to another recipe and I'm going all the way back to 2013. It's always awesome to see how far you've come and what has brought you where you are now. These muffins came to be as a result of all the almond milk I used to make on a regular basis.  When I lived in PA, I used to get almonds in bulk so I made alot of milk. When you make almond milk, you get a lot of almond meal; since it's too valuable to throw out, you need to use it in a recipe.  Sometimes, I dehydrate it in my oven and process it down to flour but you can also make baked goods from almond meal. So, here is my banana walnut almond meal muffin recipe .

Vegan, Gluten-Free, Oil-Free Chocolate Chip Muffins

I planned to make these for a few months now, as long as my family's October weekend in the mountains was planned.  We went this past weekend and I made these muffins and the verdict, even from non-vegans, was deliciousness.  I had to repeat the recipe because the first batch was super mushy and undercooked (but yummy nonetheless).  I'm going to also write this blog post very fast because my laptop is totally on the fritz and I want to get this in while it's working!!!  Oh my it's terrible when technology dosesn't work :(

Blueberry Lemon Muffins

I saw this recipe on fb but I changed it a little bit to make it vegan and to make it into muffins. It's so yum! The end product is a little bit tart so if you don't like a super lemony flavor, only use half the lemon juice. These are super easy and you may have everything already in your kitchen to make them.

Banana Walnut Muffins

I officially have a second recipe for all the almond flour I end up with after making almond milk: muffins!  So brownies and muffins....sounds fabulous!  Two recipes you can make, eat some and then freeze.  My muffins are just about ready to be taken out of the oven so here goes nothing...