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Creamy Lentil Soup

Hi!!! I've been gone so long. I gave an update in my last post but for those that didn't read it (is anyone still reading?), I am a full time psychotherapist and started a new job a year ago. My life is so much busier. I work from home and I'm on zoom and calls all day and this blog just kind of fell away. I'm also working on a fiction novel that I hope to publish next year. Or begin looking into publishing or figuring out publishing lol. I spent the summer in the Poconos and it was glorious and now I'm back in New York City during the best time of year! I made this soup after looking at a few recipes out there. I am so into creamy soups and I wanted to do something with all the lentils I have. Buy red lentils for this recipe. This soup is blended with other veggies and spices and it's so delicious. I just had it for breakfast with a pita pocket and I'm full! It's really simple, you don't need a bunch of ingredients, you just need red lentils so that

Where I've Been!

  Hello, it's been so long. I am in the midst of moving to a bigger apartment and I'm knee deep in clients: therapy and meditation. I am pulling myself out of pandemic mode, cautiously, because I'm not hating working from home at all. And even though I'm fully vaccinated, I'm still not running to any indoor dining. I deactivated my IG account for this blog because I'm tired of it. I have no time to deal with it and I haven't made a recipe since February. That's not to say I've totally abandoned this blog but I'm going back to the blogger URL and giving up the domain. Going back to this blog being a hobby! I am moving into a 1 bedroom apt. I have a dishwasher now! And a working oven. My bedroom setup is going to be awesome, lots of sun, a new desk, a new bed. I do everything at home: my meditation teacher training , teletherapy, workouts, everything. I have a cool, fun summer planned and I'm just focusing on being happy and processing what the

Lentil and Seitan Cabbage Wraps

It's been a while! How has the new year been for you? I have not been working on recipes so I took a break from here but I do have some life updates. I went back into the social work field and I'm working towards my clinical social work license. I plan on eventually having a private therapy practice where I combine my clinical skills with my meditation and mindfulness training. The future is looking bright!