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Creamy Artichoke Hummus

Happy New Year! I had every intention of writing this blog post last weekend but it got away from me. I've been so busy with my yoga studio and picking up more dog walking clients that I don't often write a new recipe. Thank you for continuing to read my blog. I have so so many recipes that you could spend an evening reading through my posts. I definitely went through a peanut butter and chocolate dessert phase so you should check out my desserts!

I bought a huge bag of chickpeas in the bulk aisle of Whole Foods last month and it's taken me a while to get through them. I forget to soak them overnight then I just forget about them totally since I'm currently obsessed with tofu. When I have remembered to soak them (need to do that tonight!), I cook them in the morning and lately I've been making hummus. My last hummus batch was artichoke hummus and I couldn't stop eating it. I usually dip sourdough bread in it and have it for breakfast with some greens.

This recipe is easy-the most time consuming part of it is waiting for the chickpeas to be completely cooked-they need to be soft and tender. Once the chickpeas are done, it's just a few ingredients in your food processor and there you have it. The artichokes are hand mixed in and you are ready to eat.

1 cup of cooked chickpeas
2 tbsp of tahini
2 tbsp of tahini oil or olive oil
2 cloves of fresh garlic
Lemon juice from 2 lemon slices
Sea salt to taste
4-5 small cooked artichokes

Set the artichokes aside. Put the rest of the ingredients in your food processor and process on high. The hummus should be thick and creamy. Taste and add more oil or some water and any garlic or sea salt. Scoop into a glass dish. Chop the artichokes into small pieces and hand mix into the hummus. Serve with bread or raw veggies. Store and eat within 3 days. You can add more olive oil to the top of the hummus when serving. I buy Trader Joe's tahini and when I scoop some out, there is some oil, like there is with nut butter. I add some of the oil to the hummus-this is what I mean when I say tahini oil, or I guess I mean sesame oil!