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Showing posts with the label tahini

Creamy Artichoke Hummus

Happy New Year! I had every intention of writing this blog post last weekend but it got away from me. I've been so busy with my yoga studio and picking up more dog walking clients that I don't often write a new recipe. Thank you for continuing to read my blog. I have so so many recipes that you could spend an evening reading through my posts. I definitely went through a peanut butter and chocolate dessert phase so you should check out my desserts!

Tahini Chickpea Pizza

Chickpeas are so versatile. I can't believe how many ways you can use them in cooking and baking. They can be used as flour, to make raw cookie dough, they can be used in soups, salads and burgers; I can't even begin to list all the recipes they can be used in. Lately, I've bought uncooked chickpeas in the bulk section of Whole Foods and I take about a cup out at a time, soak them, boil them and store for use throughout the week. I use chickpeas in salads and lately on my avocado mash but nothing says yummy like tahini chickpea pizza.