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Showing posts with the label Beans

Curried Beans with Couscous

I'm pretty obsessed with coconut milk and warming spices lately.  I'm also loving my whole grains and I stocked up on beans.  I can't wait to share this savory bean dish with you.  Are you up close and personal with tumeric and curry powder?  You should be!  These spices give food such awesome flavor and are great paired with coconut milk. Feel free to use any whole grain for this recipe; it doesn't have to be couscous, it can be rice, buckwheat groats, barley, etc.  I used light coconut milk to cut down on fat and I used kale as my green; feel free to change this up as well.

Cannellini Bean Salad

Did you know I published an ebook of recipes in December 2013 called Fabulous Vegan Recipes? You can purchase it here  and it's also available on the Nook, Kindle and iBooks stores.  It's a book filled with delicious, healthy and easy vegan recipes that anyone will love.  I have breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes along with juices, smoothies and a ton of desserts!  Today and Friday I will feature my favorite lunch and dessert recipe.

Braised Cabbage and Cannellini Beans

This week has been so busy with coming back to the city after being home for thanksgiving and I have not had time to cook other than a few Italian cookbook recipes. So, here is a sneak peek of one of the recipes that will be included in my book.

6 Ways to Use Beans in a Recipe

I think beans don't get the recognition they deserve.  They are loaded with iron, B vitamins and soluble fiber and they are a vegan powerhouse.  You can pretty much use them in any recipe, at every meal, even for snack.  So here are ways to incorporate beans into your daily eats.  Swap your meat for beans and you have a lovely meatless meal.

Sweet Potato and Chickpea Salad

This was just an amazing dish of loveliness!  Summer is just around the corner-we had pretty hot weather the last two days.  Summer makes me think of lots of fruit, grilling, potato salad, cold pasta salad, popsicles, fresh lemon juice etc many awesome refreshing foods and drinks.  This potato salad is one of my favorites and one of the best I've ever tasted may I add :)  You will never think of adding mayo again!  This one has mustard and dill, two very savory ingredients that make this potato salad pop.  I'm making more so I can have leftovers.

Walnut Chia Seed Cookies (No Flour)

Last night I was thinking a lot about baking, which I haven't done in ages but I've been in the mood to make an awesome blueberry muffin. Since I didn't have the ingredients for these, I made these cookies out of chickpeas and other natural ingredients. I added walnuts, chia seeds and oats to punch them up with more fiber and omegas. Yum...these are good and make a great snack with your cup of tea. This recipe was floating around fb and pinterest for a while a few months ago.

Aduki Beans and Sweet Potato

I was inspired to make this bean dish after I saw a recipe in Alicia Silverstone's book The Kind Diet. She talks about the benefits of aduki beans for kidney health and other good stuff. I did some substituting and a different cooking technique and the finished product was a delicious and filling bean dish. It was both salty and sweet with lots of nutrients and minerals.

Sweet Potato and Avocado Salad

Eating a variety of colors is essential to a healthy diet. Buy as many veggies as you can and combine different flavors and colors. Tonight I made what I thought was a weird combination of veggies but the taste was insane. I love my sweet veggies and I love combining veggies. Tonight was sweet potato, sweet pepper and an avocado spread. I tossed in some garbanzo beans for protein. Steam your sweet potato. Cut it up in chunks and steam it until you can put a fork through all the pieces.

Roasted chickpeas

I perfected my sweet potato pumpkin by eliminating the coconut oil. And you do need the maple syrup! I love coconut oil but in the interest of staying low fat, low cal, I made the crust without coconut oil and it was completely fine. Also, I eliminated the cream cheese but add 1/2 cup of it if you want.

Oatmeal Banana Cookies (No Flour or Oil)

Hello friends! I made these cookies by modifying a recipe I saw on Facebook. I deleted the chocolate chips and added oatmeal. I also added three bananas that were about to be too ripe. These cookies can be made in under 15 minutes.

Veggies galore!

I hope everyone who celebrated July 4th had a wonderful holiday! I had such a relaxing time at my family's lake house and ever since then I've been dreaming of a trip to the Italian Riviera :) Last night

Happy Meatless Monday!

Hi everyone, happy meatless Monday! I made some more veggie burgers last night. I've been on a veggie burger kick since it's summer, they are easy to make and they make great leftovers- I have one for lunch today. I made this one with cannellini beans and borlotti beans (white and cranberry beans), scallions, green pepper and oregano.

Another bean dish

Here is another yummy bean dish :) Baby bok choy Cabbage 1/2 cup of cannellini beans Cut up as much bok choy and cabbage as you want. I cut up about 5 baby bok choy and 1/4 piece of cabbage. Spray coconut oil in a medium pan and add the bok choy and cabbage. Cook them at low to medium heat with a lid on the pan. Once the cabbage is soft, add the beans. Keep cooking at low heat for a few more minutes. Add spices and a tiny bit of sea salt. Serve and enjoy!

Beans and cabbage

I've been making this dish for a while now but I found out last night that it's 1000 times better with coconut oil. It is so delicious! You will need: Coconut oil Green cabbage Cannellini beans ( white beans) Put coconut oil in a medium sauce pan and let it melt. Coconut oil comes as a solid and has a high melting point so use it if you're going to be cooking on high heat. It smells and tastes yummy too. After the oil has melted, add shredded and cut up cabbage to the pan. Stir quickly. Put a lid on the pan and let it sit on low heat for about 15 minutes or until the cabbage is as soft as you desire. Add the beans and stir. You can add any spices that you want. I added lemon pepper. Keep stirring until the cabbage is how you want it. Serve and enjoy!! Your house will smell like coconut!

Lupini bean green salad with lemon-olive oil dressing

Tonight I didn't plan what I was going to have for dinner but I needed to make it a completely clean meal since I'm starting a cleanse.  The cleanse is a little bit of the 28 day Arbonne cleanse and a little bit of the Superhero diet in The Kind Diet cookbook.  Basically, you avoid alcohol, caffeine, gluten, flour, sugar and vinegar products for a specific amount of time (I'm going to take it week by week).So, I made a big salad and added a few things and I made a salad dressing that my friend Melissa made on Saturday-it was awesome!  No vinegar involved. Salad: mixed greens of your choice.  Start with romaine lettuce and then add a variety of mixed greens (kale, spinach, arugula).  I then tossed in leftover brown rice pasta from last night, lupini beans, and organic slaw.  Dressing: 1/8 of a cup of freshly squeezed lemon, 1/4 cup of olive oil, a pinch of salt, 1 tsp of fresh pepper, a clove of garlic (also add mint but I didn't have any).  Combine all the ingre

Bean Side Dishes

Happy Meatless Monday!  Some people ask me where do I get my protein from if I don't eat meat-it's so easy to be vegan and have normal protein levels.  Beans, beans beans!  And tofu, some whole grains, veggies, almond milk, etc.  I love beans-they are filling, they have a ton of fiber and protein and they go with pretty much everything.  Today's Meatless Monday features three bean dishes.