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Raw Lettuce Tacos

I'm so sorry for the delay in posts! I sure have missed blogging but this past week and a half was super busy. I went home over this past holiday weekend to see my family for my birthday. I haven't seen my almost 2 year old niece since Christmas and I miss her. It was such a great weekend , I had vegan cupcakes on my birthday and spent alot of quality time with my family. I didn't really have a chance to make new recipes or to really take good photos but now I'm back. Can't wait to share this recipe with you.

The only thing not raw about this recipe is the corn, it's steamed. This recipe is pretty low calorie too, the only ingredient I used that was pretty calorie dense was avocado and I only used 1/2 of a medium one. These tacos were delicious and if you eliminate the corn, are fully raw. You don't have to be fully raw to have a  healthy diet; I love being about 75% raw because it allows me to eat a ton of greens and healthy, whole foods but also have some of my favorite cooked meals. Aim for half of your meals to be raw and you will be amazed at how you can really stock up on your fruits and veggies. Personally, for me, breakfast is easy to be raw, a giant bowl of fruit and a big glass of lemon water is a great, filling meal. You can do a salad for lunch or dinner and then maybe eat one of those meals cooked. Snack on fruit and your day is mostly raw. It's easier than you think. Smoothies are raw, too, so you can always do that for lunch and a salad for dinner. Moderation is wonderful though, so add in raw ingredients as much as you can tolerate. Some people thrive on the raw diet but for others it doesn't fulfill their needs.

I believe I've been raw for maybe 2 weeks at a time and then I kind of find myself getting bored and craving cooked foods. Not being able to eat oats or make an Indian dinner wasn't working for me after a while. During the summer it's easy to be raw because so many amazing fruits and veggies are in season (can you say tomatoes and berries??) and it's hot. But there are also times during the year when it's cold that I crave raw foods. The past three weeks I've been pretty sick, lots of congestion, coughing, headache etc. I found myself craving raw foods last week which is what inspired me to make these tacos. Maybe my body was craving raw foods as a way to heal itself? At any rate, I feel much better, I still have a slight cold but I'm out of the woods.

I got all of my ingredients at Trader Joe's for this meal since my next trip to the farmers market is Saturday. I whipped these up in no time and devoured them since I was super hungry. I used only a half of an avocado since I'm watching my portions but if you aren't trying to lose weight, feel free to use the entire avocado.

3-4 romaine lettuce leaves
1/2 avocado
1 cup of organic cherry tomatoes
1/2 cup of steamed corn
Sea salt and pepper
Powdered or fresh garlic
Ground cumin, optional

Lay the lettuce leaves on a plate. Steam the corn and cut the tomatoes into small pieces. Mash the avocado and mix it with the tomatoes and steamed corn. Add the spices and mix well. Spoon the mixture onto each lettuce leaf and eat as is or fold over. This recipe is low calorie and gluten-free.

Notes: delete the avocado and add onion and make salsa without the avocado. Add lemon or strawberry flavored vinegar and add all vegetables without the avocado to make this even lower in calories. To make it fully raw, delete the corn and toss the veggies with lemon juice.
