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Almond Joy Smoothie

The best part about living in NYC is having access to juice and smoothie bars any time you want. I always find a smoothie that I want to make at home and it usually involves a nut butter and chocolate. I love going to Juice Generation and getting the Joyful Almond smoothie or Peanut Butter Blast smoothie. I decided to try to replicate the Joyful Almond didn't turn out exactly tasting the same as the one at JG but it was a delicious chocolaty filled mason jar and there is nothing wrong with that! This is another one of those smoothies that is a dessert and tastes like you will need to run 10 miles to burn it off but it is made of whole foods, perfectly portioned.

First, cut some bananas in half and freeze them. What is it about the banana freezing process that is so annoying to me? I hate doing it, even though it takes a few seconds. I always forget and then I can't make the smoothie I want or I'm drifting off to sleep and I realize I didn't freeze any bananas. So, just freeze a whole bunch so you don't have to worry about it. Next, if you make your own plant based milk, make some, you need it for this recipe. Then go buy some almond butter, medjool dates and some cocoa or cacao powder. Now you're ready.

1 1/4 cup of plant based milk (I used oat milk)
1/2 frozen banana
1 tbsp of cacao or cocoa powder
4 medjool dates, pitted
2 tbsp of almond butter

Blend everything in your blender until smooth. It's so yummy. I had this for breakfast before my run and I felt energized and happy. Want my recipes delivered right to your inbox? Click here to sign up.
