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Is the Summer Really Going?

I can't believe this is the last weekend of summer!  I must say I am looking forward to fall but this summer just seemed to fly by, I feel like the kids were just getting out of school.  And the weather didn't feel all that summer-like although not getting headaches from the humidity was fabulous!

I for one am so happy about fall though...mainly because of pumpkin!  And because in October, I'm chilling for a weekend with the fam in the Poconos.  We are going to sit around the firepit drinking hot chocolate and having the best time-I can't wait!

This week was such a great week!  My 30 day yoga challenge is over although I've been keeping up with it pretty well.  My membership at Sonic Yoga expired on Wed so I need to think about what studio I'm going to continue yoga at.  I taught my second yoga class on my friend's rooftop in Brooklyn last night and OMG it was the BEST MOST BEAUTIFUL view of Manhattan I've never seen!  She has the most beautiful apartment too with a terrance and super high ceilings.  Brooklyn is where it's at!!

In other good news, I got a part time nanny job so I can make some steady money and also work on my health coaching and yoga business.  I'm going ahead with my second cookbook and thinking about some ways I can begin holding workshops and teaching meditation and yoga classes to others besides friends.  My fellow yogi friend and I are thinking about holding a joint wellness workshop so once we solidify this, I will pass on the info!  My business is called Fabulous Health and Wellness so find me on facebook here

I stopped at the Peacefood Cafe in Union Square because I heard my fellow vegans rave about their strawberry shortcake and it was nothing short of heaven.  You MUST stop in the cafe if you're in NYC or visiting and grab this dessert-you will not be disappointed.

Check out this quick oatmeal stomach has been super weird this week, I have had pains and a little nausea so I haven't been rawtill4 that much.  I ate this oatmeal yesterday morning and it was easy to make
7 dried figs
1 juicy red apple
1/2 cup of oats
1 cup of coconut water
pumpkin pie spice or cinnamon
1 tbsp of maple syrup
Scoop the oats into a small pan and turn the heat on low.  Add the coconut water and heat slowly.  The oats will begin absorbing the water (you can put a splash of your favorite non dairy milk in it to make it creamy). Once the oats have almost absorbed all the water, add the maple syrup and spices and stir well.  Place the figs and apple in your food processor and turn on high.  Add a splash of water to get it going-this will turn into a thick, sticky mixture.


Transfer your oatmeal to a bowl and add the figs and apple combination to the top and mix it in.  I love the maple taste from the syrup-this is a recipe that will get you in the mood for fall!

It's been a year since I started working on my ebook so check it out and download it for only $4.99!  I have plenty of pumpkin recipes in there plus some great holiday desserts and smoothies.  Buy it here

Have a fabulous Labor Day weekend whatever you are doing!!!  Embrace the last few days of summer! I'll try to get a few easy lunch ideas on here for the kids heading back to school.  Remember:
