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Showing posts with the label Indian

Curry Rice and Mixed Greens Sushi

When I make rice in my rice maker, I add the tiniest big of water so that the rice ends up sticky and not water-logged. The worst is when the rice doesn't absorb the water and it ends up awful. I pour enough water in my rice maker just to cover the rice, pat it down so it's completely under water and it turns out great. So much so that I didn't need to make sushi rice for this recipe, I just used the rice as is. When I say sushi rice, I mean I didn't need to add sugar and vinegar to make it sticky rice. I added curry powder, turmeric, sea salt and pepper and it was pretty amazing.

Broccoli and Chickpea Curry

I bought a ton of chickpeas in the bulk aisle of Whole Foods yesterday, so much so that I balked at the price when I weighed them. But bulk is the best way to go in Whole Foods and their food is organic and $8 worth of chickpeas is a ton of chickpeas. I cooked a ton of them tonight so that I have alot left over to do whatever I feel like, sometimes I cover them in spices and bake them for a crunchy salad topping, sometimes I make hummus, sometimes I make cookie dough or pudding , the possibilities are endless with chickpeas. That's why I love them, they are versatile and packed with nutrients like protein and fiber. Chickpeas > chicken.

Chana Masala

Happy October 1st!!! It's pumpkin season. Autumn rocks, the air is crisper (finally) and I'm pulling out the boots and leggings. Fall is also time for warmer foods and I've definitely felt more like cooking lately. Indian food is life. I love it, I love the ingredients and especially the spices. They are so warming and filling and SAVORY! It's so easy to make indian food vegan because you can use coconut milk and olive oil instead of butter. You also get your whole grains in rice and protein with the chickpeas. I've made a few indian dishes but this one is my favorite.

Spinach and Potato Coconut Curry with Brown Rice

Just as I hit publish on my last post about sushi and writing about cooling summer foods, I'm posting this warming Indian dish! This dish is perfect for a cooler summer night or enjoying in the air conditioning haha. Not only is this dish served hot but the spices used are incredibly warming: turmeric, curry, cumin, so yum, so delicious and so good for you! I've read in a few places that turmeric can help prevent or slow down some cancers. There are always so many conflicting stories when it comes to health and wellness but either way, you can't lose out by using these spices in a dish, they are incredibly savory and practically eliminate the need for added salt. I must say, I made this dish yesterday even though the day was already warming up but it was delicious and satisfying nonetheless. 

Chickpea and Spinach Curry

I went to an Indian restaurant in my neighborhood with a friend last weekend and we just could not get over how yummy our dinner was. I had a spinach and chickpea curry dish with rice and we also noshed on samosas and garlic naan. We ended the dinner with some black tea so needless to say we left completely stuffed and satisfied. What delicious food made with incredibly savory spices! So, naturally I wanted to try making the dish at home and it turned out wonderful. Head to your favorite health food store and pick up alot of spices before you make this dish. Trader Joe's has spices for $1.99 and they have all the good ones for this dish. Friends and yummy food is the best combination!