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Showing posts with the label Fruit

Kale Strawberry Smoothie + Homemade Chocolate

Smoothies, fruit, that's all I want lately. It's too hot to cook and I'm so uninspired; I was thinking of making a raw dessert but I need to go shopping and I just don't feel like it. I went to the farmers market this morning, which was rather empty, surprisingly, and I got two quarts of strawberries after walking around all the tables like three times. Only one farm had organic strawberries and they wanted $7 for a little pint so I got 2 quarts for $5 each of minimally sprayed strawberries. The farmer explained the pesticide is not sprayed directly on the berries, instead they spray the roots. You just can't get away from this shit; it's killing the bee population but yet we still use pesticides. I'm sure organic farming is alot more difficult than conventional farming but if you have to cover your mouth when spraying pesticide on food, why would it be ok to eat??!! This is why I hit up Whole Foods during their organic berry sales; I want to buy local

Light, Fluffy, Vegan, Gluten-free Pancakes

I woke up this morning wanting pancakes but I wanted to lay off the sugar even though I only use yummy coconut sugar. The only sweetness in these pancakes is the mashed banana so these are clean eats! You can add toppings to make them pop; add some healthy fat like peanut or almond butter and lots of fruit. I love fruit toppings and maple syrup! What a great breakfast for your Memorial Day weekend! This recipe made 6 good sized pancakes so double it if you have a full crew at your house. And this is a great way to show your family that plant based breakfasts still include light, fluffy pancakes! 

Strawberry Chia Jam

Three ingredients and a whole lotta awesomeness. I often find myself in the jam aisle at the grocery store pondering what to get and trying to find the jam with the least amount of sugar. Even if the jam is made with natural fruit sugars, there is always some kind of preservative or something I don't want in it. So, I thought, let me just make my own jam. It turned out fabulous and I just had to share.

4th of July Week

I hope everyone who celebrated July 4th had a fabulous holiday!  I hope you spent time at the beach or lake or pool or wherever you find peace and serenity.  I've been sporadic with the blog because I was traveling and not feeling super inspired to write.