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Showing posts with the label Ebook

Where I've Been!

  Hello, it's been so long. I am in the midst of moving to a bigger apartment and I'm knee deep in clients: therapy and meditation. I am pulling myself out of pandemic mode, cautiously, because I'm not hating working from home at all. And even though I'm fully vaccinated, I'm still not running to any indoor dining. I deactivated my IG account for this blog because I'm tired of it. I have no time to deal with it and I haven't made a recipe since February. That's not to say I've totally abandoned this blog but I'm going back to the blogger URL and giving up the domain. Going back to this blog being a hobby! I am moving into a 1 bedroom apt. I have a dishwasher now! And a working oven. My bedroom setup is going to be awesome, lots of sun, a new desk, a new bed. I do everything at home: my meditation teacher training , teletherapy, workouts, everything. I have a cool, fun summer planned and I'm just focusing on being happy and processing what the...

Fabulous Vegan Desserts ebook is here!!

Hey readers! First, I hope you are able to click on my blog posts. I've had trouble clicking on some of my links lately and I'm not sure what is wrong. I'm not able to see the rest of some posts or click on an actual recipe. Let me know if you have trouble accessing this or any blog posts-email me at Also, sign up for my email list !

Fabulous Vegan Recipes Ebook

I first created this blog in 2011 but it was just a tiny idea in my head. I knew I wanted to go far with cooking and health, gravitate away from my social work job and move to NYC but I wasn't sure where I wanted to go with my blog. Then in 2013, I started posting again with gusto, created my facebook page and just loved every second of cooking and sharing my recipes. I was so excited and inspired that I started the arduous task of writing and self publishing an ebook of my favorite recipes called Fabulous Vegan Recipes !

Ebook: Fabulous Vegan Recipes

I know you've probably seen the link to buy my ebook on this blog but I wanted to give you some information about what is included in the book. I wrote and published this book in December of 2013 when my blog was still relatively new. I spent many hours at Whole Foods Cafe drinking coffee and typing out recipes, formatting the book, worrying about the pictures and prior to that I spent many hours in the kitchen recipe testing. I'm so proud of this book and so happy to offer it to you to purchase for the low price of $4.99. The book includes breakfast, lunch and dinner recipe ideas (not found on my blog), along with juices, smoothies and desserts. As a bonus, I included a 7 day meal plan. I write about why particular recipes are important to me and why they are my favorites. I have some family recipes I grew up with that I made vegan.

Guest Blogger and A Chocolate Shake Recipe

I have another guest blogger today, on this wonderful Meatless Monday, a fellow veggie consumer and alum of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Kelly Anne Monahan!  She recently published an ebook that focuses on healthy recipes and clean eating.  Kelly talks about her story, what led her down the path of health and nutrition and she gives some information about her book.  I'm so happy to post her story! After her post, I included a chocolate shake recipe for you, fat free, sugar free, made with whole ingredients.  Enjoy!

Happy Anniversary FVR Facebook page!

Happy Anniversary to this lovely blog and the Facebook page where I've met such wonderful people and received much inspiration! I can't wait to take FVR to New York City and into the future. This blog has helped me figure out what I want to do with my life and how I want to help people, through cooking, health coaching and yoga. I've never had so much fun writing and connecting with others! Over the past year, I started the FVR Facebook page, published an ebook of recipes, designed my website, started classes at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, started my Instagram page, signed a lease in NYC and connected with so many inspiring vegans. Look back on your year periodically and recognize how far you've come. My little kitchen in New York City is where I will be making a new start to my life and a new start to cooking more delicious recipes. There are so many possibilities in the kitchen and I want to continue passing these onto you. Thank you fo...