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Vanilla and Chocolate Chia Parfait

Today is an awful day for pictures. It's STILL overcast and rainy and I'm so glad I ran last night. Speaking of a run, everytime I run around my neighborhood, I appreciate how lucky I am to live here on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. It's quiet, calm, close to everything (thanks Q train!) and bustling with restaurants, shops, Central Park and many other cool places to run. I found myself loving all of that last night in between epic humidity and raindrops. So, anyway, this parfait. I ate this before my coffee this morning, how could I not?

Yep, so these pics are disappointing but I do think they convey how awesome this was. It's really not that many calories, I didn't add a ton of sweetener and it's the perfect size for breakfast or pre-workout fuel. Chia seeds are packed with fiber, omegas and healthy fat. They are little tiny energy balls waiting to light you up. Some people eat chia seeds and say they keep them up at night. Honestly, I've never experienced THAT but food and drink effect people differently. Also, I may not have necessarily eaten chia seeds before bed. So, to be on the safe side, don't eat chia seeds before bed 😁

I made homemade cashew milk to use in my coffee and this recipe, cashew milk rocks so much. This is a great recipe to make before bed so you have breakfast all set the next morning.

3 tbsp of chia seeds
3/4 cup of milk or enough to easily mix the chia seeds
1 tsp of pure vanilla extract
1 tbsp of coconut palm syrup or maple syrup
1/2 tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder
1 sliced banana
1 tbsp of peanut butter

Mix the milk, vanilla, chia seeds and sweetener and set in the fridge for a little bit. Don't add too much milk, 3/4 cup should be fine but add it slowly and make sure you can mix the chia seeds easily. The pudding will begin to set within an hour. Take the pudding out of the fridge and scoop half the pudding into a small bowl and add the cocoa powder; mix well. Slice the banana and put a few slices on top of the vanilla pudding. Scoop the chocolate pudding on top of the banana then add the rest of the sliced banana on top of the chocolate pudding. Top with peanut butter or anything.

Refrigerate overnight and you are set. Enjoy!

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