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Chocolate Mousse Pie

Happy Holiday Season!! I originally posted this recipe last Christmas and now it's back! Because it's easy, awesome and so yummy and I will probably be making it again. This recipe is supersized so that you have a enough pie for your whole family. You can use any amount of the ingredients as you wish so feel free to change this recipe to fit your holiday table. I loooove this avocado pudding mix, I make it for everything, you can eat it by itself or top a pie or cupcake with it. It's so yummy and versatile and everyone will love it!

This pie is a great reminder that we can have our pie and eat it too, so to speak. You can eat chocolate and sugary desserts using whole, unprocessed ingredients. This pie is high in good fats because of the walnuts and avocado and if you overindulge, you will at least know that you are consuming whole, plant based ingredients. This pie is great for leftovers so you can freeze it to serve later.

Chocolate Mousse Pie Recipe:


16 oz container of dates (22 dates)
2 cups of oats
1 package of walnuts (16oz).

Pit the dates and cut them up. Crush the walnuts also. Put the crushed walnuts, date pieces and oats in your food processor and process until it's a sticky crust. Wet your fingertips and press the crust into a round cake pan that locks on the side.

3 avocados
1 banana
1/4 cup of maple syrup or coconut sugar
5 tbsp of cocoa or cacao powder.

Pit the avocados and slice them into tiny pieces. Slice or mush up the bananas. Put them in your food processor along with the maple syrup and cocoa and blend until there are no lumps of fruit. Make sure the avocados and bananas are completely blended. Pour the filling on top of the crust and spread around. Refrigerate or freeze the pie. Consume within two days if refrigerating.

Notes: You can eliminate the oats and just use the dates and walnuts for the crust or eliminate the walnuts (less fat) and just use dates and oats. Use gluten free oats for a GF pie. You don't need to use a banana for the mousse, you can use avocado, coconut sugar and cocoa; the banana will make the mousse not as thick. You can use coconut cream in place of the avocado for the mousse also. You can also use soaked dates in place of the coconut sugar or maple syrup for fruit sugar source. But soak the dates if you are using them in the mousse so they blend well. I made this pie crust very thick so you can cut down on the dates if you want it thinner. A thinner crust: 8-9 pitted dates, 1/2 cup of oats and 8 oz of walnuts.

Stay tuned for more holiday recipes including my grandmom's rice pudding recipe that I veganized! I have more awesome desserts included in my ebook Fabulous Vegan Recipes here
