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Healthy, Dairy - free Shamrock Shake

Tis the season for the shamrock shake, lots of drinking and overindulging.  It's so easy to make the shamrock shake into a healthy treat for yourself that I could not miss the opportunity to share this healthy, whole foods recipe with you. I'm back to training for the May Brooklyn half marathon so whole, healthy plant foods are the name of my game for at least the next two months.  I'm going to lay off the sugar and save the super sweet fruits (dates, bananas) for before my runs to give me energy. Stay tuned for lots of whole grain recipes, beans and recipes with healthy fats and lots of fiber.

So, onto this St. Patty's Day recipe!  This is great to make for your kids before they go off to school or save it for their after dinner treat. It's made with no added sugar, healthy fats and lots of flavoring.


2-4 frozen bananas
6 oz of light coconut milk
1 tsp of spiralina (or you can use green juice or matcha powder)
1/2 tsp-1 tsp of mint flavor (or you can use fresh mint leaves)
1 tsp of vanilla extract
Coconut flakes for a topping 

In your high powdered blender, put your coconut milk and frozen bananas and blend until the bananas are smooth.  You may need to scrape the side of your blender to get all the banana blended. Add your spiralina, mint and vanilla flavors and keep blending. The shake will turn green and have a peppermint, sweet taste. Add 1/2 tsp of peppermint first and then taste the shake; once you add the mint flavor, it's strong so only add a tiny bit!  Blend the shake and taste it.  If you need more peppermint flavor, add 2 drops at a time because it's strong!  Once your shake is blended and tastes lovely, pour into your favorite glass and add some coconut flakes to the top.  Enjoy :)

Some notes: I have a high powdered blender but I'm still able to see green leafy veggies when I make certain smoothies so I didn't add mint leaves. If you're blender will blend the mint leaves smoothly into your shake, get fresh mint leaves for this recipe. I bought peppermint extract at Whole Foods if you want to go with the flavoring. Add the mint a little at a time because it's a strong flavor (I can't stress this enough!) If you have green juice already made, add 1/2 tbsp to 1 tbsp of it to make your shake green. Again, if your blender is great at blending leafy greens, you can also add spinach leaves to make your shake green. I made this recipe with two bananas so use 4 bananas or more if you're making this shake for two or more people.  For toppings, you can also use a mint leaf or dairy free chocolate chips (I love Enjoy Life brand!)  Use less coconut milk if you want a thicker shake or eliminate almost all the milk if you want to make nana ice cream.

What is your favorite St. Patty's Day dish?  Are you following me on social media?