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Chocolate Raspberry Jar of Yumminess

My most favorite breakfast this week by far is nana ice cream. I've been making it all week and just loving how versatile it is. I went to Trader Joe's last night and miraculously, I got out within the hour. If you're in NYC, you know that there is no such thing as a quick trip to Trader Joe's. But last night I was in and out and I got raspberries, dates, potatoes, and of course bananas.

I made this around 11am and it kept me filled until late afternoon. I made the top of this jar with three bananas and they yielded a lot of nana ice cream. You will need a high powered blender for this recipe.

The bottom of the jar is the pulp from the oat milk I made last night. No worries if you don't have pulp, I will let you know how you can vary your oat consistency to make the bottom later. The middle layer is a superfoods mix from my favorite cafe in NYC called Juice Press. It's a mix of mulberries, nuts, goji berries and dried fruit. If you don't have this, just use a few of your favorite nuts or nut butter. If you want to remain nut free, use fresh raspberries for this middle layer.

1/2 cup of rolled oats
2 tsp of nondairy milk
1 banana
2 tbsp of maple syrup
1/2 cup fresh raspberries
1 oz of superfoods mix or nuts
3 frozen bananas
2 tbsp of cacao powder

Blend the 1/2 cup of rolled oats and the banana in your food processor until the banana is completely blended with the oats. Add the non dairy milk and maple syrup. Scoop this into a mason jar to make the bottom layer of your breakfast jar. Add the trail mix or berries on top of the oat mix to make the middle layer. Blend the three frozen bananas and cacao powder in your blender to make the top layer. Add some non dairy milk to get the blender going. Scoop the nana ice cream on top and top with raspberries. So gorgeous and yummy and CLEAN!

Happy Friday everyone! I'm headed to the Institute for Integrative Nutrition conference tomorrow and I can't wait to see some of my classmates and find some inspiration in all that my classmates are doing to promote health and wellness! Have a fabulous weekend whatever you are doing! Make time for yourself. Sit in silence, get a massage, chat with a friend, make a clean recipe, there are so many things to do for self care. What have you done this month to take care of yourself?
