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Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Pudding Recipes

I haven't been eating as clean as I was eating in August when I was doing raw till 4.  I have been eating alot of sugary treats and wanting to try all the yummy vegan treats this city has to offer.  I recently perfected my avocado mousse (recipe in a previous post) and last night I made chocolate banana peanut butter pudding so I MUST share this!  I suppose if I had stopped to think about it, I should have just made my own pudding when I wanted something sweet-I could have saved money and also ate clean ingredients.  This pudding has zero added sugar.  Make this or my chocolate mousse when you're feeling blue.

I ran out of rolled oats, which is pretty much a disaster so I always go to chia seed pudding when I can't make oooy gooey oats for breakfast.  I bought a big bag of cacao powder the other day (I love Navitas Natural superfoods!) and I have a big container of natural peanut butter that was on sale in my local health food store.

I made this pudding last night and refrigerated it until this morning.  This is a wonderful breakfast for your kids that you can prepare the night before.  Some people may wonder if this is too decadent for breakfast but it's alot more natural than sugar pops or other artificially sweetened cereals.  The banana is natural sugar, peeanut butter is protein and chia seeds have so many nutrients: fiber, omegas, protein.  Natural cacao has fiber and lots of vitamins in it.  So, while this can also be a dessert, it is completely appropriate for breakfast.


1 tbsp of cacao powder
2 tbsp of peanut butter
1 banana
1/4 cup of chia seeds
3/4 cup of non dairy milk
2 tbsp of agave or maple syrup
2 tsp of vanilla extract

Stir together the chia seeds, milk, sweetener, vanilla extract and cacao powder in a mason jar or bowl. Refrigerate for an hour then stir again and refrigerate overnight.  The next morning, add the peanut butter and banana on top of the pudding.  Eat and enjoy.  You can add the peanut butter and banana the night before too if you're trying to save time in the morning.

Here is another version:

1 tbsp of cacao powder
2 tbsp of peanut butter
1 banana

Combine everything in your food processor and blend on high.  Cut the peanut butter to 1 tbsp if you don't want the flavor to overpower the pudding.  My pudding was super peanut buttery.  WHY is peanut butter so good????


Yesterday, I made grilled tofu with a ton of spices for the little boy I take care of and he liked it!  I was so excited!!  His Dad also liked it.  This is huge because they are omnivores and love their meat.  I plan on making more tofu for the little one.  I was also thinking of bringing him some of this pudding to try.  I get so excited bring my recipes to others especially children.

Did you buy my ebook yet??
