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Chocolate Mousse

Happy Friday! I am currently obsessed with chocolate mousse and I made it several times this week but unfortunately I neglected to photogragh it each time...that's what cravings do to your brain :) But I did include a flashback Friday pic below of the mousse in little pies, a recipe I made a few months ago. It's just as good if you eat it up plain though especially when you're craving chocolate. I made the mousse today and put it on a pie crust to take to my friend's place tonight for her bday.

Chocolate Mousse Recipe:
2-3 ripe bananas (or 2 ripe avocados)
2 scoops of chocolate protein powder or 4 tbsp of cacao powder
3 tbsp of maple syrup (if you use the cacao powder)

If you use the chocolate protein powder, you won't need the maple syrup. The protein powder I use is already sweet enough. You use maple syrup if you use the cacao powder. You can also use agave nectar
Put the avocados or bananas in your food processor along with the protein powder or cacao powder and the sweetener and blend on high. The pudding should be thick at room temp and then eat immediately or refrigerate. It's so decadent that it's hard to believe it's made from natural ingredients.
Some tips: cut up the avocado and banana into small pieces before you add to your food processor. Taste the pudding and add more sweetener if needed. If you don't like bananas or avocados or prefer not to use them, you can soak 6 medjool dates and use them as the sweetener.

If you want to make vanilla pudding, use bananas for that and add either vanilla protein powder or vanilla extract, both should be sweet enough without added sweetener.
I hope you enjoy this! Is anyone addicted to chocolate like I am??
