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Two Raw Breakfast Ideas

Last night, I slept fabulously after not really sleeping that great all week.  I can't blame my interrupted sleep on the weather because this weather is just so insanely awesome!  I haven't used my AC execept for a few days this summer and right now it's breezy and super comfortable.  And I'm teaching yoga in exactly 2 hours!!!  But yes, last night I slept pretty good and I woke up, checked Instagram and saw the yummiest nana ice cream recipe I'd ever seen.

It was a perfect raw breakfast and I was famished so I went right to work as soon as I woke up.  I changed the recipe a little bit but it combines cinnamon, apple and dates into the yummiest combo.  I also made an awesome green smoothie for lunch that I will share as well; the avocado in it gave it a dazzling finish.  Both recipes kept me filled for most of the day and I felt super satisfied.  All of the ingredients were already in my kitchen too!

Apple Pie Nana Ice Cream:

2 apples
8-9 medjool dates, pitted
Cinnamon, nutmeg

Put the apples and dates in your food processor and blend well.  Add the spices and make sure they blend well.  It will become a sticky crust.  If you don't have dates, try using figs, any dried fruit or soaked cashews. Scoop the date/apple crust into your mason jar.

In your high powered blender, combine 2 frozen bananas and 1 cup of raspberries and blend well.  The raspberries kind of don't go that well but I wanted them :)  You can just use frozen bananas and cinnamon or use any berries or fruit you want.  You can also add cacao powder or vanilla bean to your ice cream.

Scoop the nana ice cream on top of the crust and enjoy.  Try eating the crust and nana ice cream combined, it is a very tasty combination.

Green Smoothie:

1 cup of fresh spinach
1/2 avocado
1 frozen or fresh banana
1 pear
1 cup of unsweetened almond milk
1 tbsp of chia seeds
5 ice cubes if you don't use a frozen banana
Juice from 1/2 lemon

Combine everything except the chia seeds in your blender and pour in your favorite glass; top with the chia seeds.  If you use a frozen banana, the smoothie will be more ice cream-like; my smoothie was more water-down but it was insanely delish.  The avocado made it smooth and creamy like a dessert.

It's almost fall and I realized that my ebook will be 1 year old soon.  I worked on it all last fall and we are coming up to the season that gave me alot of the inspiration for the book.  I have a few pumpkin recipes in there, cupcakes, soup, lots of warming foods that you will need in the coming months.  It's a great book to have for the holidays too so hop on over here and purchase it for only $4.99! I'm still working on my Italian cookbook and I hope to finish it this fall.  So stay tuned!!

Also, like my facebook page here.

Follow me on Instagram: foreverplantbased
Twitter: 4everplantbased
