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I wish I could fall back on whole grains like I do pasta. If I had pasta and brown rice in front of me, I'd want to choose the pasta but I know the whole grains are better. Even if you buy brown rice pasta, the whole grain in its natural form is best. Check out Alicia Silverstone's cookbook The Kind Diet for a nice summary about whole grains. So I thought why not italianize brown rice?? Sort of like risotto but not really.

This recipe makes use of vegan cheese so try some if you haven't already (I used Daiya brand). The most time consuming part of this recipe is waiting for the rice to cook.
1 cup of brown rice
2 slices of Daiya cheddar cheese
A few leaves of fresh basil
1/4 cup of tomato sauce
1/4 cup of pine nuts
Sea salt and garlic to taste

Cook the rice according to the package. Once the water is pretty much absorbed, remove the pan from the heat and stir in the cheese slices until they are melted. Stir in the sauce and basil. Spice it up as much as you want. Add the pine nuts last.
This recipe makes 2-3 servings so make dinner and pack some up for lunch tomorrow. What a fabulous, easy dinner!
