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Veggie Burger Cook Off Contest!

Let's get in the kitchen, everyone!!! Below is my veggie burger recipe so use it and make your own with your own ingredients, special touch and LOVE- Happy V Day :) This is my first contest and I'm excited :)
1. Head over to my Instagram thefabulousvegan, follow me and check out the burger pic.
2. Go to my Facebook page, Fabulous Vegan Recipes, like it and check out the pic of the prizes. Feel free to share my Facebook page with your friends who want to participate.
3. Make your own burger using my recipe as a guide and post it on Instagram with #fabulousveganrecipes or post the pic on my Facebook page wall.
4. March 1st I'll judge the burgers and whoever has the best burger, wins a cool prize. Be original and presentation counts.
This gets everyone in the kitchen and you can also brush up on your photography skills :) It's so much fun to cook, it can relax you and it's so healthy compared to eating out.
Put on some music, an apron and go! Get your kids involved if you want or make it a nice night with yourself. Pull out herbs, spices, beans, veggies and more to make the greatest burger you would ever want to eat and serve to others. We are all cooks, no cooking classes needed. Just use this blog post as your guide.
Beet lentils burgers:
2 beets
1 1/2 cup of cooked lentils
Fresh garlic
Mixed greens
Tiny bit of sea salt
Nutritional yeast
1 cup of oat flour (rolled oats in the food processor)
Filtered water
Add lentils and beets to a medium bowl. Mash the beets and mix well with the lentils. Chop the onion, fresh garlic and greens into tiny pieces and add to the bowl. Add the nooch, thyme, oregano, sea salt and mix.
Put a cup of rolled oats in the food processor to make oat flour. Add the oat flour to the bowl and a few sprinkles of water. Mix and it will start to get pasty.
Form the mixture into burger patties and add to a pan with melted coconut oil. Cook on low, flipping the burger and making sure it's done on both sides. Serve or store in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer.
Serve with: tomatoes, avocado, spicy mustard, umeboshi paste, hummus etc etc...the possibilities are endless! Serve on a bun, bread or over rice, barley, couscous, quinoa etc.
Make this your own!!! Contest ends February 28th and I'll judge March 1st. Goodluck!!
