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Showing posts with the label fitness

How to Continue Your Fitness/ Weight Loss Momentum During Your Vacation

We've all been there: you lose a couple pounds or get into an exercise routine, you're feeling great and then you go on vacation or something happens that interrupts your normal schedule. It can be jarring and frustrating and requires planning and a little worrying. Vacation and time away from your routine usually means over-indulging or feeling like you can't work out as much as you want to. Taking time from your routine and relaxing is definitely essential to being happy but you can still maintain your fitness or weight loss goals when on vacation.

Spotlight on Fitness: Runstreet Founder, Marnie Kunz

  New York City is an amazing city to live in when you are a runner. The number of places you can run and the amazing views you see when you run are innumerable. This city is amazing. When I moved here two years ago I quickly tried to find my running tribe. I typically like to run by myself but at times I love running with a group. I first met Marnie when my yoga studio hosted one of her art runs. I ran with her group, met people, had a great workout and most of all, HAD SO MUCH FUN! Marnie took us through the streets of the city, showed us street art, we took fun pics and we ran back to my studio.