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Showing posts with the label NYRR

Things I love lately + Giveaway Reminder

I've been hitting the keys lately writing and blogging (I'm working on a fiction novel) and enjoying life in the big city. First off as you can see, I renamed my blog and I'm LOVING it! Fabulous Fit Food just didn't sit well with me, I found myself disliking it alot and the last couple weeks I have thought about what I want to rename this blog. I can't believe how many ideas I had and how many of my ideas were already taken by bloggers, Youtubers and health and wellness coaches. It got kind of frustrating so finally I just stopped thinking about it so much. I went home for my niece's 1st bday and just let go of the blog a little bit.

When To Remove Yourself From the Food Noise

I hear so much noise in the vegan community about what to eat, how much to eat, how often one should eat, what exercises to do, how much macronutrients should be in your food etc etc. It's so overwhelming and confusing and it makes me tired. Instagram is a huge source of food information and recipes but usually from people like you and me who are posting what is working or not working for them. I see so many skinny, fit vegans eating tremendous amounts of food and not gaining weight. I see raw vegans, raw til 4 vegans, junk food vegans, it's just so much to take in. And I'm left with questions like: is all that fruit really good for weight loss? Is coconut just as bad as meat due to the saturated fat? Should I be eating so much rice? Do portions really not matter? Is it really WHAT you eat versus HOW MUCH you eat? And if you're one of those vegans who needs or wants to lose weight, where do we fit in with all of this? I went to a dietitian before I moved here two ye...

Half Marathon Training Update + a Recovery Recipe

This was my recovery meal today. Killer. It hit the spot. I was tired, sore and very hungry. But before I get there, let me give you a little training update. I'm a very nervous runner and need major work on my self confidence. When I train for a run, I worry about it alot and constantly scrutinize my training runs, how they are going, how I'm feeling, what time I wake up, what time I go to bed, how much water I'm drinking or not drinking etc. I wish training could be a little more relaxed but, believe it or not, I am having fun!