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Showing posts with the label Cookbook

Strawberry Shortcake Pancakes

I'm really excited about this recipe, adapted from Debbie Adler's new cookbook, Sweet, Savory & Free . I have not had any inspiration to cook or blog or photograph lately. I'm so busy with my yoga studio and trying to write a novel and have a social life and meet new people that I have not contributed to this blog in a regular way in a while. I feel bad but I have so many recipes on this blog that it's difficult to get bored. But I will get back to cooking, it just may take a little bit.

Fabulous Vegan Recipes Ebook

I first created this blog in 2011 but it was just a tiny idea in my head. I knew I wanted to go far with cooking and health, gravitate away from my social work job and move to NYC but I wasn't sure where I wanted to go with my blog. Then in 2013, I started posting again with gusto, created my facebook page and just loved every second of cooking and sharing my recipes. I was so excited and inspired that I started the arduous task of writing and self publishing an ebook of my favorite recipes called Fabulous Vegan Recipes !