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Irish Potatoes

Irish potatoes....they are not potatoes at all but a sweet dessert that resembles potatoes in appearance only. Apparently they are a Philadelphia/South Jersey dessert as not everyone is aware of what irish potatoes are. I grew up eating these tasty truffles around St. Patty's Day and they are so easy to make vegan and healthy. They are made from cream cheese mixed with coconut, sugar and rolled in cinnamon, some recipes call for butter but you don't need it. I made this recipe mostly raw so feel free to check out what these yummy morsels are all about.


1/2 of a 1lb bag of raw cashews, soaked in water overnight
6 medjool dates, pitted and soaked (if not already soft)
1 tbsp of vanilla extract
Juice from two lemons
1 cup of coconut shreds
Lots of cinnamon

Take your soaked cashews and soft (or soaked) medjool dates (see above) and place them in your high powered blender; blend until everything is smooth and creamy.  You should not see date pieces and the cashews will become a thick cream. Add your vanilla extract and lemon juice to the blender and keep blending. Scoop out the batter into a bowl and mix in by hand your shredded coconut. Roll the batter into tiny balls and roll them in cinnamon.  For the cinnamon rolling, put alot of cinnamon on a plate and roll each potato in the cinnamon, covering the whole potato with cinnamon. Store in the fridge for 1-2 hours or overnight and enjoy. Consume within 24 hours so the potatoes stay fresh.

I've also made these the easier way by buying vegan cream cheese, confectioner sugar, coconut shreds and making the recipe the same way.  However, if you want to stick to all natural, whole ingredients, make the cashew cream cheese; it's easy to make, it just takes a little more time to soak and blend everything.

Stay tuned for a shamrock shake recipe on Monday just in time for your St. Patty's Day celebrations. Holidays don't have to be a reason to break your healthy eating pattern; you can always substitute processed foods with whole foods in traditionally unhealthy recipes.  I hope you love these potatoes!

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