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Flashback Friday: My Favorite NYC Vegan Restaurants

It's so easy to eat vegan in New York City; actually the hardest part for me is resisting the urge to spend money on take out or stopping at a restaurant.  It's impossible not to walk down the street and see a vegan dish on a menu anywhere.  That's one of the many reasons why I love this city.

There are a few vegan restaurants in my neighborhood (Upper East Side) but I find the best variety and higher concentration of vegan restaurants is in the Union Square/Village area.  I'm in that area most days so I've tried quite a few restaurants since I moved here last June.

Take a look at my post from September. I did a joint blog post with Beth from She is a vegan and gluten-free NYC food blogger and I love hanging out with her!  I also have a July post with some more restaurants.

Also, take a look at my FAQ section of my website to check out a list of restaurants and their neighborhoods.
