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Happy Meatless Monday!

Hi everyone, happy meatless Monday! I made some more veggie burgers last night. I've been on a veggie burger kick since it's summer, they are easy to make and they make great leftovers- I have one for lunch today. I made this one with cannellini beans and borlotti beans (white and cranberry beans), scallions, green pepper and oregano.

Here is the recipe:
1 cup of white and cranberry beans
1 whole scallion
1 green pepper
A handful of fresh oregano
1/2 cup of garbanzo bean flour
3 tbsp of water

Cut the veggies into small pieces. You can food process them but make sure you can still see pieces of veggies. You can use the pulse setting on your food processor. Combine the beans and veggies and mix, try to mash up the beans a little bit. Add the flour and water and mix. If it's not pasty enough, add more water but not too much. Keep mixing, use your hands, and then form into patties. Place the patties in a skillet with coconut oil (either spray or solid) cover and cook on low and then flip over. Cook until they are brown on both sides. Store in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer. You can top your burger with your favorite veggies. Today I topped mine with 1/2 of an avocado and some vegan dressing. These are delicious!! Below is a picture of the scallion and beans I used and them the finished product.
