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How to Make Fluffy Basmati Rice

I'm always and forever trying to make rice like they make at Indian or Persian restaurants. It's so delicious, fluffy and flavorful and I love the texture of basmati rice. So, I was talking to a friend who makes rice alot and he helped me with the recipe. The idea is to sautee the rice first and add ingredients that will give it flavor such as garlic, onion, spices etc. I serve the rice with beans or tofu, either sauteed or in a curry sauce. Rice is just so amazing, it's simple but nutritious and is a great alternative to bread or other grains.

How To Add Greens to Every Meal

I swear my skin looks better when I push the greens. Any inflammation or redness always seems to go away when I load up on the kale or spinach. It could just be my imagination or the body healing itself but I am convinced the vitamins and antioxidants in greens are responsible for my skin improvement. And even if that isn't true, you can't ever go wrong eating kale. Besides, it's delicious and an incredible tasty addition to your meal. I love eating greens with a little sea salt and lemon juice sprinkled on them-especially kale. I love adding spinach to my buddha bowls. Greens are healthy and yummy and you can dress them up or just eat plain. It's just that, you can't open up your cupboard and grab some spinach; it has to be steamed and prepared in some way. Which is why it's easier to reach for dates and peanut butter or a protein bar. I definitely load up on the greens but I also don't consistently eat enough. Which got me thinking just ho...

How To Cook a Clean, Plant Based Meal

Every time I stress out about weight loss or feel frustrated because I don't have perfectly sculpted arms and a flat tummy, I think about how I'm eating. Sometimes I turn to the fully raw diet or change around my eating times but weight loss always comes right back down to eating clean. A well balanced diet of fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds with more emphasis on the fruits and veggies. The last two days I have eaten raw until dinner when I start cooking a beautiful meal of leafy greens, organic potatoes, rice noodles and a raw salad with tahini dressing. This meal leaves me so satisfied, filled and floods my system with the best nutrition any human can have, I want to share with you how you can cook a vegan feast leaving out the processed foods, salt and oil.

Maple Sweetened Oat Milk

At first maple syrup and milk don't seem like they go together since maple syrup is drizzled over pancakes or on your favorite dessert. But maple sweetened milk is so yummy. I think milks have their own specific sweetener, I prefer date sweetened almond milk and maple sweetened oat milk. I have had an obsession with canned coconut milk lately and I'm just going to step back and take a break. Even though I'm vegan and all the fat I consume is good fat, I still worry about eating so much coconut especially in the form of milk so I'm going to switch back to making my own milk. Tonight I made this oat milk for tomorrow and Saturday's recipes; it's so creamy and delicious, it's hard not to slug it down.

A Re-designed Blog and A Raw Dessert Recipe

I re-designed my blog and I am so so proud of the look and layout!  I added labels and my sites section which makes it that much easier for you to navigate.  My whole purpose in redesigning the blog was to make it easier for you to find specific recipes based on what you are looking for: oats, smoothies, raw desserts etc.  So, now that I have that, I hope you take a look at each and every recipe you're interested in.  I noticed how much I've improved with my writing and photography skills since I started blogging back in 2011 and also when I picked back up again with the blog in 2013.  I've come a long way, baby! I love this blog, it makes me so happy, it is written with love, love for the animals, love for cooking, love for my readers.  I designed it myself, I spend lots of time thinking about the content and making recipes, it's my baby and I want to pass on that love to you.  So, take a look around and leave a comment if you love it or ha...

How to Get Your Greens In Everyday and Why Go Vegan

I'm sitting here drinking my green smoothie and kind of morning.  Just seven months ago I was at an office job that failed to inspire me anymore and I was trapped thinking is this going to be my life?  Now this is my life: blogging vegan recipes, inspiration, health and wellness and living in NYC.  You can change your life with a little planning and alot of courage...I'm a true testament to that!  Want to know more about how I changed my life, email me at

How To Make Oat Milk

My most favorite milk to make is date sweetened almond milk (recipe is in my ebook ).  But a faster and little less expensive way to make milk is from oats.  It's also less time consuming and you need fewer props.

How to make a delicious oat breakfast

Hey everyone...I'm sure you're aware of my obsession with oats...I make them pretty much every morning in one form or another and I'm always pairing them with fruit. I wanted to talk about how I make them so that you can get creative and use my recipe as a base and then add anything you want to them. Some people love them plain (like my mom), others love to add fruit, I love to add fruit, flavoring, peanut butter etc. I love them to be decadent! So here is my base oatmeal recipe and a few pics.

How to Kick Dairy

So, you're pretty much 100% vegan but you can't ditch the cheese and the ice cream and the milk. You need milk for your oatmeal and you crave ice cream at night and you love a cheese pizza.  The above picture is nana nice cream, dairy free but completely satisfies a dairy craving.  Take it from a former cheese fanatic, you can kick dairy, it may just take some time and some inner motivation.