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Coconut Cupcakes: Organic Gemini Product

I was contacted by Organic Gemini,  a company that sells snacks, oil, flour and cold pressed drinks made from tigernuts; they asked me to try their products and review them.  Tigernuts are high fiber root vegetables that are actually nut free, sweet and chewy. I was familiar with Organic Gemini products because I tasted their tigernuts at The Seed Experience event, a free NYC event with local vegan vendors.  Organic Gemini sent me tigernuts, granola, flour and their cold pressed horchata drinks. I made a few recipes with their products and I have a few photos on my Instagram.

I made these cupcakes using their tigernut flour and their unsweetened horchata drink.  They turned out super yummy and brown due to the coconut sugar I used.  For the icing, I just used store bought coconut cream but feel free to use my raw chocolate icing (see recipe below).

Cupcake recipe:
1 1/4 cup of tigernut flour (or any gluten-free flour)
1/2 cup of coconut sugar
1 tsp of baking powder
1 tsp of vanilla extract
1 tbsp of chia seeds mixed with 1 cup of water
1/4 cup of unsweetened horchata (or milk)

Coconut cream or use this icing

Mix the chia seeds with the 1 cup of water and set aside so the chia seeds can soak up the water.  Line a cupcake pan with cupcake liners and pre-set your oven to 350 degrees. Mix together the flour, sugar, and baking powder until everything is blended. Add the vanilla extract, chia seed and water mixture and horchata.  Mix well until everything is blended and there are no lumps. Pour into the cupcake pan and bake for 25 minutes at 350 degrees. Let the cupcakes cool completely before icing them.

Check out Organic Gemini's website for more info on where to get their products and how to order them. Tigernut products are vegan, gluten-gree, paleo, raw and organic. Stay tuned for more Organic Gemini recipes!
